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• Bald= blood, frank, direct.

• Direct opinion that might be rude but is accepted.

• No attempt to minimize the threat toa hearers face.
• Can cause shock and embarrassment.
Bald on-record: These provide no effort by you to reduce the impact of the FTA’s. You will likely shock
the person to whom you are speaking to, embarrass them, or make them feel a bit uncomfortable.
However, this type of strategy is commonly found with people who know each other very well, and are
very comfortable in their environment, such as close friends and family. Example: - An emergency: Help!
- Task oriented: Give me that! - Request: Put your coat away. - Alerting: Turn your headlights on.


Strategies of off record:

• No actually saying what you mean, but implying it to avoid hearer losing face.
• Off record politeness is like trying to hint or avoid, saying your opinion, straight forward
• Off record = vague, indistinct, unclear.
• In off record you give hints, while moving yourself from any imposition, what so ever
Strategies of Positive Politeness:

It is usually seen in groups of friends, or where people in the given social situation know each other fairly
well. It usually tries to minimize the distance between them by expressing friendliness and solid interest
in the hearer’s need to be respected (minimize the FTA).

• The speaker attempts to reduce the threat to the hearer’s face by dressing up the utterance. •
Strategies may include statements, showing unity or belongings in some way.
Negative Politeness:

• Directed towards the hearer’s negative face and really tries to avoid imposition on the hearer.
(sorry type words)
• The main focus for using this strategy is to assume that you may not be imposing on the hearer,
and intruding on their space. Therefore, these automatically assume that there might be some
social distance or awkwardness in the situation.
• indirect: e.g. by using indirect speech acts, Question, hedge: e.g. by asking questions such as
‘Could you do this for me?’, Apologize to the other person: e.g. by indicating reluctance or
begging forgiveness.

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