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Name of the Examination: CAT 2

School SCOPE
Course Code cs3009 Course Title NoSQL Databases
Semester Date of exam
Faculty Name
Slot Dr. Karthika Natarajan & 70279
& ID
Duration 110 mins Total Marks 50

Type your questions here

Q1. Mr. Sanjeev wants to development a database using MongoDB for his electronic product
purchased which has details such as Product_id, Product_name, Supplier_id, Product_size,
Colour of Product and Date & Year of Purchase for a special occasion. (15)
For the following occurrences, write an answer.
1. Very first he planned to insert every product details individually.
2. Later he decided to add more products at a time upon the database.
3. While adding the product, he found out that there is an error, so he has decided to update
the date of all the product purchased into today’s date.
4. Now he decided to update all the products of database into this year i.e., 2021.
5. He wants to delete a product which matches with item name “SONY TV”.

Q2. Mr. Baskar intends to develop an app using MongoDB which deals with his employees. The
employee details are Emp_id, Emp_name, Salary, Number_of_leaves, Department_id,
Manager_id, Hire_date (10)
1. He wants to find the employee who is earning max salary among all.
2. He wishes to note down the number of leaves taken by employee for salary calculation.
3. He wants to know whether any employee working on two departments.
4. He decides to give away reward for those who has not taken any leaves.
5. He wants to calculate the average salary of each employee for a year.
Q3. Mr. Kumar wants to use Cassandra database for his logistics department with the details like
Package_id, Customer_id, Customer_name, Gender, Package_received_date,
Package_delivered_date, Month_of_Order, City, State, and he wants to complete the following.

1. He wants to know how many packages delivered on 12.10.2021.

2. How many female customers ordered an item?
3. He wants to update the delivery man’s name in the details of delivery.
4. Read the customers who has ordered above five times on the September month.
5. Once the package is delivered, he just wants to delete an item in the delivered list.

Q4. Mr. Rajeev wants to perform retrieval of column “Package_id” from the keyspace “Package” using
Cassandra database. (Use Q3 details).
a. For that he needs to create an index on the same column so that his retrieval will be faster. Write your
command for providing such operations (2).
b. He wishes to do all the updates, insertions, and deletion of column “Package_id” from the keyspace
“Package” at a time. Suggest your answer. (8)

QP Mapping


Q. No. Marks
Number Mapped Mapped Mapped Mapped
Q1 3 CO1, CO2, PO1, PO2, PEO1, PSO1, PSO2 15
CO3 PO3, PO5, PEO2,
Q2 3 CO1, CO2, PO1, PO2, PEO1, PSO1, PSO2 10
CO3 PO3, PO5, PEO2,
Q3 4 CO1, CO2, PO1, PO2, PEO1, PSO1, PSO2 15
CO3 PO3, PO5, PEO2,
Q4 4 CO1, CO2, PO1, PO2, PEO1, PSO1, PSO2 10
CO3 PO3, PO5, PEO2,

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