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Primary Worksheets: Extinct Animals

The Earth is home to many different kinds of wildlife,

but some species no longer exist today. These are
known as extinct animals.
Once a species becomes extinct, it is gone forever.
The most common cause of extinction is a sudden
change of a species’ habitat.
A habitat is the environment in which an animal lives.
If there is too much change, they can rarely survive.
Their food supply, shelter, and other things they need
to survive can be wiped out.
Primary Worksheets: Extinct Animals

The most famous species to become extinct are

dinosaurs. Dinosaurs appeared on Earth 215 million
years ago and were the most important land animals.
65 million years ago, the dinosaurs died out.
They became extinct because of a large asteroid, a
big rock from space, that caused a lot of damage to
the Earth. Temperatures dropped because of thick
dust blocking the sun. Plants couldn’t grow as well.
The dinosaurs couldn’t survive the cold and lack of
Primary Worksheets: Extinct Animals

The dodo is an extinct bird who could not fly. They

became extinct in the late 17th century (1700s). They
had strong powerful legs that allowed it to run fast.
They were able to live as long as 21 years.
They became extinct because of predators. Many
animals, including humans, used to hunt and eat
dodo birds. They didn’t have much of a defense,
making them a huge target.
Primary Worksheets: Extinct Animals

Baiji River dolphins are believed to be extinct

because of overfishing and pollution. They used to
live in China’s Yangtze River, but none has been seen
since 2004.
There are many animals today that are endangered,
with scientists warning that if no improvements are
made to their habitat, they will soon become extinct
as well. Animals like the Black Rhino and Tigers are on
the list for endangered animals.
Primary Worksheets: Extinct Animals

Answer the questions.

What is an extinct animal?



Why did they become extinct?



What happened to the dinosaurs?


Primary Worksheets: Extinct Animals

Answer the questions.

Write about the Dodo bird.





What can we do to prevent animals from

becoming extinct?




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