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Amorce : Last summer, Europe (the UK) experienced an unprecedented heatwave with giant fires,
which has highlighted the necessity to take drastic measures to Clilmate Change (CC). Means of
action can be found at all levels, but it’s mainly over consumption habits that need to change, like
driving or what we eat. And this is what is shown in this article …

Présentation :
- What ? : The journalist exposes how Morrisons (a chain of supermarket) started
producing carbon-neutral eggs
- How ? :
-> Stop using soya
-> use insects + food waste
-> carbon-neutral farms, thanks to renewable sources of energy + carbon offsetting
- Why ? : The goal is to sell more « green » products (wants to attract more customers)
- Part of a wider problem : 80% of all land farmed are for animals, pollution of waterways
England/Wales, 20M chickens

Commentaires :
1) Climate Crisis
- Not only agricultures
- Necessity for everyone to react
2) HOW ?
- Guts -> Companies
- Consumers ?

3) Greenwashing
- Companies guilty of greenwashing (ex : fast-fashion, cosmetics)

1) Who is in the best position to make things change ?

- King Charles III
- Politicians (COP26)
- Companies
- Consumers
2) Role of companies
- Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)


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