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Name: Shanon Daeschner M.

Course, Yr. & Sec: BSEE 2-B

Module 3
Activity #1
1. Discuss about the forest resources and its conservation.
Answer: Forest conservation is the way of conserving and maintaining the forest areas. It could
sustain the nature and will benefit the upcoming generations. Having a healthy environment will give us
a healthy body also.

2. Discuss about the twin menace.

3. How can we effectively use our mineral resources without exploiting them?
Answer: We can effectively use our mineral resources by mixing it with another type of mineral.
It will gives us another blended material that could possibly had more value than the regular.

4. How can we follow a sustainable life with equitable use of resources?

Answer: We can actually follow a sustainable life with equitable resources by carefully managing
what resources we have. We need to be thrifty for us to sustain the said resources.

5. Discuss about alternate energy resources and their benefits.

Answer: It is an energy sources that does not use fossil fuels like coals and gasoline. Alternative
energy is very useful because it helps to minimize the pollution. Some alternative energies that are
already being used or commonly used are solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal energies.

Activity #2
1. D. all of the above
2. B. biomass
3. C. food supplies in many countries had to be purified in order to be consumed
4. B. fission of atoms of U 235
5. C. natural gas
6. A. oil
7. C. the Middle East
8. A. natural gas.... oil.... groundwater
9. C. sandstone
10. D. syncline
12. C. oil reservoir
13. B. coal resources
14. C. resources
15. D. coal
16. B. geothermal energy
17. B. biomass
18. B. Uranium
19. D. the former Soviet Union
20. B. 100

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