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Turn these statements and questions into reported speech:

1) ‘Do you find it easy to make new friends?’ Tom asked me.


2) ‘I’ll meet you at 8 o’clock’, he promised.


3) ‘What special activities are there for students in your school?’ she asked me.


4) ‘How long have you studied here?’ Carol asked Tom.


5) ‘On my course I have about 12 hours of lectures’, she told me.


6) ‘She is working in Paris at the moment’, he said.


7) ‘At first Daniel wasn’t interested in the job’. Sally told me.


8)’it’s a skilled job because employees need special training to do it’. The manager explained.


9)’Do you think dream jobs really exist?’, she asked me.


10) ‘What qualities do you need to get ahead in your job?’, Anne asked Charles.


11) ‘The trip to my village takes only 10 minutes’, he claimed.


12) ‘What is the longest journey you’ve been on?’ Richard asked me.


13) ‘Do you like going on sightseeing trips?’ Richard asked me.


14) ‘Let’s go on a trip’, Kate suggested.


15) ‘They may arrive late tonight’ Fred added.


16) ‘Luke can be very insecure at times, especially when he starts worrying about how he is going to do in exams’, Fiona


17) ‘It’s such a difficult climb that you usually need many years of experience’, the instructor warned us.


18) ‘The longer you practice, the better you get’, the teacher advised us.


19) ‘Are they fit enough to run 10 kilometers?’, the admission officer asked me.


20) ‘Have you ever climbed a mountain?’, the guide asked Tom.


21) ‘Money will evolve over time’, the economist claimed.


22) ‘They weren’t allowed to print more money’, the spokesman added.


23) ‘Lucy is going to splash out and buy a designer jacket’, Carmen told me.


24) ‘Why did people use cocoa beans or salt as money in the past?’, the teacher asked.


25) ‘Do you usually keep a receipt when you buy something?’, her mum asked her.


26) ‘They will have saved enough money to buy a car by 2024’, John commented.


27) ‘I take my blood pressure regularly’, the patient told the doctor.


28) ‘What are you allergic to?’, the nurse asked Carol,


29) ‘Provided you stop eating unhealthy food, you’ll be fine’, the doctor told him.


30) ‘Do you take regular exercise?’, the doctor asked Megan.


31) ‘They are ill but the will pull through’, the doctor assured.


32) ‘The film we saw last Saturday was amazing’, Tim said.


33) ‘I must leave now’, she told me.


34) ‘The bus is late again’, he complained.


35) ‘The Rolling Stones will tour around Europe next summer’, the journalist announced.


36) ‘Where is the band going to play tomorrow?,’ she asked.


37) ‘Many people have been evacuated because of the flood’, the reporter informed.


38) ‘There are hundreds of casualties after last night’s earthquake and its aftershock’, the authorities claimed.


39) ‘How long has the tsunami lasted?’, the reporter asked.


40) ‘Some forest fires can be seen from space’, he added.


41) ‘Do you find it surprising that there are so many natural disasters?’, she asked me.


42) ‘What computer programs can you use?’, the interviewer asked him.


43) ‘The agency, which is based in New York, has been investigating Gen Z’, the scientist announced.


44) ‘She invented a torch which is powered by the heat of your hand’, the journalist added.


45) ‘Do you use your computer on a daily basis?’, she asked me.


46) ‘All of the students are happy with the website’, the teacher claimed.


47)’The PM has decided to hold a press conference’, the spokesman announced.


48) ‘They didn’t interview the actress because they can’t speak English’, she said.


49) ‘We’ll keep you informed of any new developments in the situation’, they promised.


50) ‘Have you read this article?, he asked me.


51) ‘What stories are in the news at the moment?’, she asked us.

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