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Many people think that living with someone else makes your life much better than if you are
living alone, in terms of general well-being. So, why do the majority of people think this?

On the one hand, living with someone else can be very helpful if you don’t have enough
money to pay all the things of the house, you can divide them with your flatmate. The bad
side of sharing the house is that you have to put up with the other person’s behaviour, so
think carefully who to choose as a flatmate.

On the other hand, living alone also have a bad and a good side. First of all, you grow faster
as an adult, because you are in charge of everything in your life. Although this it’s very
important for your future, sometimes it causes you a lot of stress.
Another advantage is that you don’t have the typical discussions that all those who live with
someone else have.

To sum up, there are advantages and disadvantages for both cases, i personally think that
you have to choose how to live depending on your needs and limits.

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