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Is it better to live alone or with someone else?

There’s a point in people’s lives in which they decide to have independence from their parents
and start their own way. Some of them decide to move alone and other ones prefer to share
their living place with someone else. But what about people who know they want to move from
their parent’s but don’t know whether to do it by themselves or with another person?
First of all, I’d like to start enumerating the advantages from both living on your own and with
another person. In terms of independence, living alone seems to be the best option. You don’t
have to care about what others tell you to do and in which way you should. It’s your place, your
rules and, what’s best, no one can complain about it. For example, imagine that you’re a very
untidy person and your partner asks you to tidy up your mess. You have to do it because that
would be impolite if you didn’t. You wouldn’t have to worry about that if you moved by yourself.
On the other hand, if we talk about money, I think that sharing the rent’s payment with
someone else would be beneficial for you. Suppose that you are studying in college and your
career is so demanding that you can’t work as much as you need to afford the rent. Then
moving with a partner would be the best solution because all the expenses are cut in half.
Now let’s talk about the disadvantages that both options include. As I mentioned before, living
with another person would be annoying if you are a person who likes to have its space and to
do things your way without having to argue about things such as timetable, who cooks, who
does the laundry and all that stuff. Besides, there’s another disadvantage about living alone if
you have never tried it before. As everything that we do for the very first time, it’s scary because
we don’t know how we are going to feel with the sudden independence, what if we feel down by
missing sharing and chatting with another person all the time?
In conclusion, every person will make its decision according to their possibilities, wishes and
aspirations. Not everyone has the same opportunities to have their own home or to pay
someone else to clean for them, so I’m going to give my personal opinion about what I would do
in my case. I’m a person who can’t stand being alone for a long time, I’m very closed to my
family and friends so I couldn't imagine moving all by myself because I enjoy company very
much. I also would like to study so unless I got a very well paid and not very demanding job I
couldn’t pay all the expenses on my own if I don’t share it with someone else, so in my case I
wouldn’t live alone. Besides, I think I’m a very easy going person to live with.

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