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1. Hom did you get started in music?

Desde que era niña, me gusta cantar y participaba en todas las actuaciones

Since I was a child, I like to sing and participate in all school performances.

2. We talked about your particular style and how you came to it

Mi estilo gira en torno a la cantante Tina Turner. En los eventos universitarios

cantaba sus canciones, sin embargo, sentí que debía aprender más sobre ese estilo
de música

My style revolves around the singer Tina Turner. At university events she sang her
songs, however I felt that I should learn more about that style of music.

3. Did your family support you in this or did they disagree?

mi familia son mis fans número uno y estoy feliz por recibir el apoyo incondicional de
ellos, sé que me apoyaran siempre

My family are my number one fans and I am happy to receive their unconditional
support, I know they will always support me
4. Speaking of the future, do you have something in mind?

Me gustaría aprender nuevos estilos, siento que debería entregar más variedad a mi
público y con ello tendré más audiencia

I would like to learn new styles, I feel that I should give more variety to my public
and with that I will have more audience

5. Which artist would you like to compose a song with?

con david bowie, porque la colaboracion que hizo con tina fue espectacular, esperare
por ese deseo

with David bowie, because the collaboration he did with tina was spectacular, I will
wait for that wish

6. IS there someone who inspires you right now?

Si, hay varias personas que me inspiran y motivan a seguir adelante en el mundo

Yes, there are several people who inspire and motivate me to continue in the artistic

7. What recommendations would you make to new talents?

Que deben de estar enfocados en lograr cada uno de sus metas para que asi logren
todo lo que se propongan

That they must be focused on achieving each of their goals so that they can achieve
everything they set out to do

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