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SAT vocabulary words to be posted in every homeroom.

All departments are being asked to incorporate the following SAT words every Day 1 as
provided on the following pages in their class lessons and assignments. There will be ten
words distributed each cycle. We all must work together to meet our SAT improvement
plan. The words will be taught, reviewed and quizzed by the English department. You
are only being asked to display the words in the room and use them in your lessons and
homework assignments. We want to the students to see these words daily and use them as
often as possible. Practice makes perfect. The words are Kaplan’s top two hundred high
frequency vocabulary words. All year levels will be involved. A new list of words will
be distributed every Day 1 in homeroom. The homeroom teacher will be responsible to
post the ten words that will be on strips. We provided the part of speech and meaning for
the teachers so each faculty member is using the same definition. Thank you for your
implementing these words into your daily lesson plans .It will benefit all of our students
and will hopefully raise their SAT scores. THANK YOU!!
Monday, September 15th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

1. Accentuate Verb To stress or emphasize
2. Beneficial Adj. Helpful
3. Cacophony Noun Unpleasant noise
4. Debacle Noun Total failure
5. Debilitating Adj. Impairing strength or energy
6. Debunk Verb To expose the falseness of
7. Eclectic Adj. Made up of elements from different sources
8. Lithe Adj. Moving and bending with grace
9. Miffed Adj. Annoyed
10. Ornate Adj. Elaborately decorated

Tuesday, September 23rd – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

11. Accessible Adj. Attainable
12. Catastrophe Adj. Relating to a terrible event
13. Circumscribe Verb To encircle; to set limits on
14. Discord Noun Lack of agreement
15. Dogmatic Adj. Rigidly fixed in opinion
16. Empathy Noun Identification with (i.e. personally)
17. Negligible Adj. Not worth considering ; unimportant or
18. Partisan Noun Strong supporter of
19. Refute Verb To contradict, discredit
20. Salvage Verb To recover

Wednesday, October 1st – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

21. Insightful Adj. Clever, perceptive
22. Meddler Noun Person interfering in others affairs
23. Modicum Noun A small amount
24. Obscure Adj. Not easily seen
25. Pathos Noun Suffering; causing compassion
26. Rancorous Adj. Hateful
27. Scour Verb To scrub clean
28. Smug Adv. Excessively self-satisfied
29. Squander Verb To waste
30. Wily Adj. Clever, deceptive
Thursday, October 9th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

31. Adept Adj. Very skilled
32. Alleviate Verb To relieve
33. Ambiguous Adj. Uncertain
34. Censure Verb To find fault with and condemn as wrong
35. Challenge Verb To call into question
36. Comprehensive Adj. Very large in scope; thorough
37. Derelict Adj. Neglectful of one’s obligations
38. Dubious Adj. Doubtful
39. Inept Adj. Clumsy, awkward; foolish
40. Infusion Noun An addition of

Tuesday, October 21st – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

41. Advantageous Adj. Useful; helpful
42. Augment Verb To expand, extend, or strengthen
43. Compulsion Noun An irresistible impulse to act
44. Dismissal Noun The act of being fired
45. Enhance Verb To improve
46. Erratic Adj. Unpredictable
47. Fickle Adj. Erratically unstable about affections
48. Irony Noun Difference between expectation and reality
49. Mandate Noun A command or instruction
50. Revere Verb To worship

Wednesday, October 29th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

51. Aggressive Adj. Hostile; assertive
52. Agitate Verb To upset
53. Confirm Verb To verify
54. Confound Verb To baffle or confuse
55. Defensive Adj. Protective
56. Discern Verb To perceive something using the senses or
57. Exasperation Noun Irritation or exhaustion with
58. Rouse Verb To provoke, excite
59. Squelch Verb To put down with force
60. Substantiate Verb To verify; confirm
Tuesday, November 11th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

61. Extensive Adj. Large in range
62. Foreshadow Verb To indicate beforehand
63. Frugal Adj. Cheap; efficient with resources
64. Harangue Noun Pompous speech
65. Illegible Adj. Unreadable
66. Inconsequential Adj. Unimportant
67. Induce Verb To bring about
68. Momentous Adj. Very important
69. Surfeit Noun Excessive amount
70. Sycophant Noun Self serving flatterer

Wednesday, November 19th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

71. Predictable Adj. Expected beforehand
72. Pretense Noun False appearance
73. Prudent Adj. Careful
74. Rehash Verb To bring forth again with no real change
75. Resolute Adj. Determined; with a clear purpose
76. Sophistication Noun Worldliness
77. Suppress Verb To end an activity
78. Tenacious Adj. Determined
79. Thwart Verb To prevent from happening
80. Undermine Verb To sabotage

Tuesday, December 2nd – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

81. Clandestine Adj. Secretive
82. Controversial Adj. Marked by heated dispute
83. Conviction Noun Strong belief
84. Derivative Adj. Not original
85. Dilatory Adj. Slow, tending to delay
86. Extant Adj. Still in existence
87. Subvert Verb To undermine or corrupt
88. Supple Adj. Flexible
89. Toady Noun Flatterer
90. Unyielding Adj. Firm, resolute
Wednesday, December 10th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

91. Alacrity Noun enthusiasm
92. Compassion Noun mercifulness
93. Crude Adj. Offensive or rudimentary
94. Deferment Noun The act of delaying
95. Eloquent Adj. Persuasive, expressing emotion
96. Foil Noun Something used to contrast against
something else; an obstacle
97. Humane Adj. Merciful
98. Implement Verb Put into effect
99. Mitigate Verb To soften or make milder
100. Serene Adj. Calm; peaceful

Thursday, December 18th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

101. Amalgamation Noun Consolidation of smaller parts
102. Archaic Adj. From an earlier time
103. Benevolent Adj. Friendly and helpful
104. Deliberation Noun Careful discussion of an issue
105. Divisive Adj. Conflict - provoking
106. Expedite Verb To speed up
107. Pragmatic Adj. Practical
108. Reprieve Noun Postponement of punishment
109. Scrutinize Verb To observe carefully
110. Wane Verb To decline

Friday, January 9th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

111. Integrate Verb To incorporate, unite
112. Irreverent Adj. Disrespectful or profane
113. Jaded Adj. Tired by overuse; cynical
114. Lavish Adj. Extravagant
115. Lobby Verb To petition
116. Onset Noun Start
117. Preclude Verb To prevent, exclude
118. Reputable Adj. Honorable
119. Viscous Adj. Thick, syrupy
120. Wary Adj. Careful, cautious

End of First Semester!

Monday, February 2nd – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

121. Amiable Adj. Friendly
122. Ancient Adj. Very old
123. Complement Verb To complete or perfect
124. Conformity Noun Similarity in form of character
125. Demean Verb To humiliate
126. Encompass Verb To include
127. Reserve Noun To put something aside for a future use
128. Shroud Verb To shut off from sight ;cover
129. Solicitous Adj. Concerned, eager
130. Therapeutic Adj. Medicinal

Wednesday, February11th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

131. Formidable Adj. Arousing fear ;substantial
132. Hackneyed Adj. Worn out by overuse
133. Insular Adj. Isolated
134. Invariable Adj. Unchanging
135. Juxtaposition Non-grouped Side-by-side placement of
136. Opportune Adj. Appropriate; timely
137. Phlegmatic Adj. Sluggish, calm in mood, sickly
138. Rhetorical Adj. Related to using language effectively
139. Supplant Verb To replace
140. Vast Adj. Great in size or intensity

Thursday, February 26th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

141. Anachronistic Adj. From or incorrect time period
142. Conciliatory Adj. Overcoming distrust or hostility; peace-
143. Curtail Verb To shorten
144. Dispel Verb To drive out
145. Distortion Noun Misrepresentation
146. Eradicate Verb To erase or wipe out
147. Indomitable Adj. Fearless
148. Obstinate Adj. Stubborn
149. Vex Verb To irritate; annoy
150. Vicarious Adj. Relating to a second hand experience
Friday, March 6th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

151. Arable Adj. Suitable for cultivation
152. Astute Adj. Having good judgment; perceptive
153. Concordant Adj. agreeing
154. Contemptuous Adj. Scornful
155. Deficit Noun Disadvantage; lack
156. Delineate Verb To portray, depict
157. Disseminate Verb To spread for and wide
158. Encroach Verb Intrude upon
159. Overcome Verb To defeat, conquer
160. Prosaic Adj. dull

Wednesday, March 18th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

161. Autonomous Verb To expand, extend; independent
162. Convergence Noun The state of coming together
163. Didactic Adj. Designed or intended to teach
164. Diminish Verb To make smaller
165. Exacerbate Verb To aggravate
166. Extol Verb To praise
167. Facile Adj. Skilled, adept
168. Flabbergasted Verb Surprised
169. Inflexible Adj. Rigid, unbending
170. Moderate Adj. Reasonable

Thursday, March 26th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

171. Discrepancy Noun Difference between
172. Disparage Verb Speak disrespectfully about
173. Extravagant Adj. Lavish, exorbitant
174. Florid Adj. Extremely ornate, gaudy
175. Insolence Noun Rudeness
176. Intemperate Adj. Extreme
177. Meticulous Adj. Extremely careful
178. Nondescript Adj. Lacking interesting qualities
179. Onerous Adj. Burdensome
180. Penurious Adj. Poverty-stricken ; cheap
Tuesday, April 14th – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

181. Disputant Noun Someone in an argument
182. Flourish Verb Prosper, thrive
183. Inconspicuous Adj. Not easily noticeable
184. Indiscriminate Adj. Not based on careful distinction
185. Munificent Adj. Generous
186. Pertinent Adj. Applicable, appropriate
187. Procure Verb To acquire
188. Recrimination Noun Counter accusation
189. Resilient Adj. Quick to recover
190. Scrupulous Adj. Honest

Wednesday, April 22nd – Day 1

SAT Word Part of Speech Definition

191. Intransigent Adj. Uncompromising
192. Irresolute Adj. Undecided
193. Profound Adj. Meaningful
194. Proponent Noun Defender or supporter
195. Raze Verb To tear down, demolish
196. Reiterate Verb To say or do again
197. Spurious Adj False
198. Tangential verb Digressing, dissecting
199. Temperance Noun Self control
200. Vacillate Verb To waver, show indecision

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