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Emotional Intelligence….

Working with people means working with Emotions

Compiled By :
Arivoli Raman
Learning & Development – Human Services
W hat is Intelligence?
• Intelligence - A general capacity of an individual
consciously to adjust his thinking to new requirements.
• Intelligence is typically focused on
• Analytic reasoning
• Verbal skills
• Spatial ability
• Attention
• Memory
• Judgement
Intelligence … ..
Individuals differ from one another
• in their ability to understand complex ideas,
• to adapt effectively to the environment,
• to learn from experience,
• to engage in various forms of reasoning,
• to overcome obstacles by taking thought…
Intelligent Quotient…
• Intelligent Quotient is a weak predictor for
– achievement
– job performance success
– overall success, wealth, & happiness

• Accounts for a major component of employment success

according to numbers of studies covering career success;
maybe as much as 20-25%.
M ore potent predictors of career
success w ere… … .
• Ability to handle
• Manage own
• Manage own social
Emotions play a key role in providing a particular direction
to our behavior and thus shaping our personality.
E m otional Intelligence …
v Emotional Intelligence may be defined as an actual
intelligence: the mental ability to reason about
emotions and the capacity to think better by
using emotions.

v It can also be defined as a set of abilities that help

us respond to the world around us
E m otional Intelligence : N eed

Emotional Intelligence is very important for all

people as it is one of the important deciding factor for
relationship management resulting in motivation,
retention , self management & managing others.
W hy is E Q Im portant?
• Emotional Intelligence is as powerful , and at times more powerful than
• While I.Q. contributes only about 20% of success in life, E.Q. predicts
higher work performance three times better than I.Q. Prediction range
varies between 15 – 45%.
• A Person’s emotional intelligence helps him much in all spheres of life
through its various constituents or components namely knowledge of his
emotions (Self –Awareness ), managing the emotions motivating oneself,
recognizing emotions in others (empathy), and handling relationships.

EQ versus IQ
Benefits of EQ

Improved relationships
Improved communication with others
Better empathy skills
Improved career prospects
Manage change more confidently
Four A ’s of E m otional Intelligence… ..

• Awareness
• Acceptance
• Attitude
• Action
Four A ’s of E m otional Intelligence… ..
Means knowing what you are feeling when you are feeling it
Means believing that emotions are a biological process taking place in the
body and the brain and that is not always rational. It means being able to
feel an emotion without judging it.
Attitude are beliefs that are attached to emotion. These are times when the
emotion follows an attitude., or is colored by an attitude.Unless the attitude
is challenged, the emotion will continue to be felt in the same direction.
Action is the behavior you take based on emotion and attitude.
E Q Com petencies that Correlate to W orkplace Success

Emotional intelligence competencies that have proven to contribute more to workplace

achievement than technical skills, cognitive ability, and standard personality traits combined.
Social Competencies-Competencies that Determine How We Handle
Relationships :
Intuition & Empathy:
Our awareness of others’ feelings, needs, and concerns. This competency is important in the
workplace for the following reasons.
– Understanding others: an intuitive sense of others’ feelings and perspectives, and
showing an active interest in their concerns and interests
– Customer service orientation: the ability to anticipate, recognize, and meet
customers’ needs
People development: ability to sense what others need in order to grow, develop, and
master their strengths
Leveraging diversity: cultivating opportunities through diverse people
E Q Com petencies that Correlate to W orkplace Success
Social Competencies-Competencies that Determine How We Handle
Relationships :

Political Acumen & Social Skills:

Our adeptness at inducing desirable responses in others. This competency is important in the
workplace for the following reasons.
- Influencing: using effective tactics and techniques for persuasion and desired results
- Communication: sending clear and convincing messages that are understood by others
- Leadership: inspiring and guiding groups of people
- Change catalyst: initiating and/or managing change in the workplace
- Conflict resolution: negotiating and resolving disagreements with people
- Building bonds: nurturing instrumental relationships for business success
- Collaboration and cooperation: working with coworkers and business partners toward
shared goals
- Team capabilities: creating group synergy in pursuing collective goals
E Q Com petencies that Correlate to W orkplace Success

Personal Competencies-Competencies that Determine How We Manage


Self Awareness:

Knowing one’s internal states, preferences, resources, and intuitions. This

competency is important in the workplace for the following reasons.

Emotional awareness: recognizing one’s emotions and their effects and

impact on those around us

Accurate self-assessment: knowing one’s strengths and limits

Self-confidence: sureness about one’s self-worth and capabilities

E Q Com petencies that Correlate to W orkplace Success
Personal Competencies-Competencies that Determine How We
Manage Ourselves

Self Regulation:
Managing one’s internal states, impulses, and resources. This competency is
important in the workplace for the following reasons.
Self-control: managing disruptive emotions and impulses
Trustworthiness: maintaining standards of honesty and integrity
Conscientiousness: taking responsibility and being accountable for
personal performance
Adaptability: flexibility in handling change
Innovation: being comfortable with an openness to novel ideas,
approaches, and new information
E Q Com petencies that Correlate to W orkplace Success

Personal Competencies-Competencies that Determine How We Manage


Self Expectations & Motivation:

Emotional tendencies that guide or facilitate reaching goals. This
competency is important in the workplace for the following reasons.
Achievement drive: striving to improve or meet a standard of
excellence we impose on ourselves
Commitment: aligning with the goals of the group or organization
Initiative: readiness to act on opportunities without having to be told
Optimism: persistence in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks

Enhancing EI skills enables people to regulate their emotions and

motivate themselves more effectively – allowing them to manage
their own emotional turmoil effectively and demonstrate compassion
and empathy for others.
N ine Strategies
Taking the time for mindfulness for Prom oting
Recognizing and naming emotions E m otional
Understanding the causes of feelings

Differentiating between emotion and the need to take action

Preventing depression through “learned optimism”

Managing anger through learned behavior or distraction techniques

Listening for the lessons of feelings

Using “gut feelings” in decision making

Developing listening skills

How to Increase Your EQ

• Conduct a “personal inventory.”

• Analyze the setting & identify skills needed.
• Enlist trusted friends.
• Focus on a few competencies.
• Practice, practice, practice.
• Be observant and reflective.
• Don’t expect immediate results.
• Learn from your mistakes.
• Acknowledge your successes.

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