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My tech project

What is it?

So my final project is an LCD alarm clock and what an LCD(liquid-crystal

display) is a flat-panel display or other electronically modulated optical
device that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals
combined with polarizers and are a commonly used to display data in
devices such as calculators, microwave ovens, and many other electronic

Why did I choose an alarm clock?

I chose an alarm clock because if i want to be honest i didn't have any

ideas until Mr. Diramio suggested the idea, so i chose it and because it
sounds easy to make.

How did you make it?

First off I needed to search up how they made an alarm clock like what
materials did they use, and how they use the LCD and set up the circuit.
then I had to understand how they code it by using text coding not blocks
because i wanted to challenge myself using texts instead of blocks.

● Arduino Uno R3
● Breadboard
● 1 LED
● 2 resistors
● LCD 16 x 2

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