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Interview siswa

Penanya : Do You ever learning about listening ?

S1 : yes, just Once time

S2 : yes,

S3 : yes,

S4 : yes,

S5 : yes,

Penanya : In learning listening , what methods are in use by teacher ? suppose that using
audio media.

S1 : yes, the teacher use audio media.

S2 : yes,

S3 : yes

S4 : yes, and the teacher with use LCD

S5 : yes,

Penannya : whether it can be improve your listening skill ?

S1 : no, because, I don’t know the meaning the speaker says, I think the sepeaker has difficult

S2 : yes, if my teacher use the audio media, I think, I’M enjoy the study of listening so much
and so easy to understand.

S3 : yes, if can learned at home

S4 : yes,

S5 : yes,
Penanya : whether efficient using the media audio ?

S1 : less efficient, because the understanding English I less (vocab). I think more efficient if she
was immediately talk

S2: yes efficient,

S3 : yes, because the more understand what it mean by the speakers and also more clerly

S4 : yes, because it can be heard in handphone, and so I can also in heard in the house

S5 : yes efficient,

Penanya : Do you confortable with this methode ?

S1 : yes. Because it’s So funny

S2 : yes, because easy usnderstand

S3 : yes, I’m so satisfied

S4 : yes, because the teacher it’s very easy to understand.

S5 : yes, because when I don’t know about the leason the teacher will explain more and more
Interview guru

F : do you use audio media in listening learning?

G : It's hard here in listening lessons, when new enrichment bias we use audio media method.
We are limited in terms of the means that the school has. So normally I use my own leptop, my
own loudspeaker. And I make a problem with the way the sentence in pieces, just removed. I
make a sentence that is cut so the student must concentrate what he hears to answer the missing

F : Do you think it's efficient with that method?

G : if speaking efficiently. Certainly not efficient, because it is better to use the Laboratory. But
here we do not have the means. So we teach by means I have such as leptop, loudspeakers.

F : does it increase students' interest in learning?

G : good students, because I use songs, songs that I cut into pieces so they have to focus

F : Is mengimprove student skill?

G : yes, can improve listening skill student

F : is using audio media method easier with other methods?

G : children are easier, more interesting because children like that. Perhaps this is called learning
today while learning to play


Question 1 :

So the average student has known and never learn about listening skills in English language
during the learning process in the classroom

Question 2 :

Most students have studied English using audio media in schools

Question 3 :

4 out of 5 students said that audio media can improve their skills in listening skills.

Question 4 :

Of the students there is one of them said inefficient using the audio media because he said that he
can not distinguish the words spoken by speakers

Question 5 :

All students say that it is more convenient to use audio media methods than other methods
because they say the method is much more simple and relaxed in learning.


That teachers have used good methods in the classroom. And also teachers strongly believe that
this method has excellent data in improving the English ability of students. But the teacher has
another problem that is the means owned by the school less. So an ordinary teacher uses his own

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