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April 12, 2023

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is in enthusiastic support of Victoria Smilnak’s application for a teaching position in
your district. Victoria is a recent graduate of Oakland University’s Secondary Teacher Education
Program. Her openness to learning, coupled with her compassion for students, makes Victoria
someone you want in your school working with your students. Victoria is the type of early
educator that you know is going to be a positive leader in her school. She is someone who has
easy charisma, intellectual prowess, and a steadfast belief in her students.

Victoria engaged our course material, and worked hard to help her classmates see the tangible
connections between our theory/reading and the experiences they were having in their classroom
placements. She was never afraid to show her own vulnerability in learning new material, and I
think this is one of her best strengths. She is smart and has great leadership skills, but never
seems to overtly aim to display either of these characteristics. She is, first and foremost, someone
who wants to learn along with her students – one of the best qualities you can have in an

Victoria works hard to consider all aspects of a classroom: who her students are, what aspects of
the literature being taught may be most relevant for her students (this was especially true in her
rural intern-teaching placement), and what genres of writing might be most engaging for
students. This attention to relevancy reflects on Victoria’s ability to see the whole picture of a
classroom and to center her instruction on student success.

Destined to be a sharp, challenging teacher, Victoria will share her passion for literature and
writing with countless students. Would I hire Victoria Smilnak for a teaching position? In a
heartbeat, and without reservation!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions.

Best Regards,

Amanda Stearns-Pfeiffer
Department of English, Oakland University
home: (989) 430-4465

Department of English | O’Dowd Hall | Room 501 | 586 Pioneer Drive, Rochester, MI 48309-4482 | (248) 370-2250

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