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Planning Form

Name of Activity: All Hands In

Originating Idea: Children participate as a group using their hands to copy one another.

Curriculum Area
B. Social and Emotional Development

Appropriate Age group: 1-2

Beginning of Activity
"Today we are going to sit on the carpet together in groups and follow the leader with our hands. If the
leader claps, then everyone can clap along.” Some other examples are putting their hand up, opening and
closing their hand, putting their hand on parts of their body, and holding fingers up. Once we are sat on
the carpet with our groups, we will go around the circle where everyone has a turn being the leader.

Middle of Activity

Early: Children in earlier developmental ability can sit on the carpet with us but they do not need to follow along
with movements. They do not need to be sitting or on the carpet to follow along with movements.

Middle: Children at the middle developmental ability will sit on the carpet and follow along to their best ability
with some of the movements that are shown.

Later: Children at a later developmental ability will follow every movement and make their own unique
movements for others to follow.

End of Activity
“Everyone used their hands to match the movements within your groups! We are now going to wash our hands
and get ready for snack.”

Follow-up Ideas
This activity can be continued by practicing fine motor skills in the physical development and health
kdi by using string and beads.

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