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Response 1

Hello Jessy, I agree with you that we have learned so much from this course. Just like

you, I never really got to understand standardized healthcare until this course. One thing that

stood out for me was knowing that people who are below the income level can easily access

health services. I also think the forgiveness plan is a good idea. Sometimes people go through a

lot and are not able to pay for hospital bills. Therefore, forgiving or reducing the payments it is

always a good gesture. You never know what the other person is going through, so it is good to

be kind. I believe in creating awareness; therefore, if you allow me, I would like to join you on

your cause in educating patients and families about standardized healthcare. Together we will be

able to reach and help more patients and families.


Gerard, N. (2018). Universal healthcare and universal basic income: Complementary proposals

for a precarious future. Journal of health organization and management, 32(3), 394-401.

Niles, N. J. (2019). Basics of the US health care system. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Response 2

Hi Rachal, I have gone through your post, and I can say that the course was intense and

an eye-opener. Reading through the post made me realize that so many people do not know so

much about universal healthcare, including us. However, through the course, we have been able

to learn so much and enough to help our patients. Just like you, so many are against universal

healthcare, but I believe by creating awareness, many will embrace it. The same way you were

able to see the good in universal healthcare, the same way others will once they know the
benefits of it. I agree with you that those who are below the income level will greatly benefit

from universal healthcare. They are not able to pay for insurance, therefore it essential they know

about universal healthcare.


Gray, M., & Jani, A. (2016). Promoting Triple Value Healthcare in Countries with

Universal Healthcare. HealthcarePapers, 15(3), 42-48.

Stigler, F. L., Macinko, J., Pettigrew, L. M., Kumar, R., & Van Weel, C. (2016). No universal

health coverage without primary health care. The Lancet, 387(10030), 1811.

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