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University of Gloucestershire


January 8, 2023

Truong Gia Huy| STU- 4115104

Strategic career

After receiving the results of the self-test on, I agree with most of the above
results, because during my schooling I was always chosen as the
team leader, I always did well in the role of management,
motivating people, and making decisions. Finally, help the team
have a good result. However, with a 51% identity, that is a bit
low for my personality because I often experience stress when
doing important work.

I agree with most of the above indicators of results. However,

there are points in the Agreeableness section that do not
completely match my characteristics. The biggest abnormality is
compromised, in my opinion about myself, I do not easily give
up my own demands to satisfy others. Because I strongly believe
that people who don't know how to say no will never be
respected. And moreover, I don't mind arguing in debates,
because, in my subconscious mind, the main purpose of debates
is to find the best direction, by arguing we will have different
views on the problem. At work, I always try my best to seize the
opportunity to rise up, because the opportunity is the only one
that if I don't work hard and do my best, someone else will take it
away. However, this feature is also a weakness in my industry,
content marketers will spend a lot of time working in teams so I
need to improve this feature to improve engagement with people
to avoid unnecessary friction. have to move forward together.
In addition, I think the test has assessed my Assertiveness index
too low because when working in a group, I always want to play
the role of a leader, connecting people in the most effective way.
The most obvious proof is that during my studies, I was always
trusted and voted as captain by everyone.
Neuroticism (low): the ability to experience negative feelings.

I find that I am not afraid of other people's judgments of me

because I think they can be right or wrong, so I usually take them
in the most positive.

On this test, I agree with most of the results. Here are the results
about myself as assessed by

This is my LinkedIn page when I first created it. Here is only basic
information, such as the name of the school I attended.

In order to continue building a linked channel that impresses people, I

have plans to update my profile, starting with posting or sharing articles
related to the marketing industry. Exam and get a certificate on the link
for the purpose of updating and upgrading my profile.

To start building a LinkedIn page like it is now, I started putting up my

basic information like my name, age, major, and university, in addition,
I also added skills to it. the ability that I have. Once I finished, I started
following people in the same field to stay up to date with new
marketing information.
Part3: Job matrix

Through the process of studying with a major in business

administration and marketing, I realized that I was suitable for the
content marketing position when I also had experience in this position
at Ananas with 6 months of training. Therefore, in the beginning, I fill
in the position that I want to as a marketing creator at Bitis company
with a salary of 1900 to 2100$.  

In the experience section, I mention the skills that I have. 

The first is Seo skill. I consider this to be an important skill in the

marketing industry, so I decided to attend the SEO training course for
computer or mobile. In 2 months of studying this skill, I also have the
knowledge and experience to serve in my work. 
Digital marketing is also a subject that I learned at university, and
when I go to work, I see its importance to my industry, when
technology is a trend for people, accessing and learning Practicing this
skill is extremely important.
Next in the essential criteria column, I give the soft skills that I have.

In the process of going to work at Ananas Company, I realized that

teamwork skills are extremely important to help a team achieve better
goals. I was described by colleagues at the company as a very good
team player; I always listen and contribute my ideas. Not only that,
but I am also an inspiration to everyone people in my group.
In the desirable criteria section, I will talk about the skills that need to
be improved to advance my career as a marketing creator.
I have always been someone who wants to have the opportunity to
advance in my career, so leadership skills are one of the things that I
need. I learn from the experiences of good managers in all fields.
As a content creator, upgrading my writing skills is a must, so I started
to learn the styles and structures of articles written by experts.
In the suitability review - I found that I was suitable for the job, but in
order to develop as well in the company, I was full of foreigners, so I
had to overcome my weakness, which is my English listening skills.
Realizing that my weakness is my listening skill, I have the plan to
overcome it, and all activities are written by me in the action section
of the SMART GOAL model.
The Job Matrix helps me to have an overview of myself; it helps me
to find out my strengths and weaknesses, thereby enabling me to make
plans to overcome my weaknesses and develop my strengths. to set
the stage for my career advancement.
PART 4: Infographic CV
Firstly, I started creating my information; in this part, I got the idea
from the ID card. I started filling in my name, age, gender, and year
of birth, then I built my contact information. I have my Gmail,
LinkedIn, and contact phone numbers; next, I will add the motto
when I go to work.
Next, I started adding the education section on the left. First, I add the
university that I am following, which is Glos University. At the
bottom is the business administration and marketing that I am
studying and then my student id and finally my GPA. In this part, I
got the idea that the ticket.

in the work experience section. I added two of my former

workplaces. At Ananas, I have been working here for six months as a
marketing creator, and I have learned writing skills as well as
research skills.
at Goldie, as a salesman, I have worked here for 7 months. Through
my work, I have improved my problem-solving and speaking skills to
attract more customers to buy products. Here, I was also named the
best employee of the month.
I think that putting experience at the center will help employers focus
first and have the most practical evaluations.
the cv infographic, I want to show who I am and what I have in a
more creative way and I think this will help me get positive views
from employers.

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