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Evangelista Larissa Rochadi 221114028

Last year i'm a new student in Sanata Dharma University. Before entering college, i was overthinking
about my next life. It happened because I came from a city far from Jogja. I am expected that i
would have a harel to survive I imagine than i will live lonely without friend or other people.
Expecially in boarding house, i often fell sick.

I solve the problem by convincing myself that i can live it. I had to get used to the new envirement
and forge new relationship too. Before i migrated, i Joined a group of making new students on
sanata dharma University. I met many friend from various majors and city. So that i can have many
relationship with many people. And now, i already, have people who are very valuable to me. They
always accompany me and help when I'm in trouble or lonely. That's what made me survive until
now in the city where i used ou get my education.

From my experience. i can learn that facing fear is a challenge for yourself. Other wise, i wouldn't
have found out that it wasn't as bad as i thought it was

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