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As a student with competent formatting skills, your task is to follow instructions step by step
in order to unlock the next part of the exam. When you are done, zip all of these files and submit to
me either through engrade or via usb. File name should be: “Lastname_ID
Number_Section_WordExam” 1 point will be given for proper zipping and file name.

I. Mad, Mad Style!

One of the built-in styles has gone mad and has taken the next step of the quiz as hostage! For 2
points, find that style and reformat it back to how it is in a default word document. When you do,
the next step will reveal itself to you. Remember, do only the steps indicated and do not change any
other part of this document.


BCIJKLMUV A secret code is hiding behind these jumbled letters and the underlined letters in this footer is the
key to unlocking the code. Given the jumbled letters in page 1, replace all instances of the underlined letters within the
jumbled letters and change them to “:” without quotation marks. Doing so, will help you read the code with ease and grant
you 2 additional points. (Example: change each “B” to “_” in the jumbled letters. Do so for all the underlined letters in this

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