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) “The Philippines is notoriously recognized as having the greatest frequency of tropical

cyclones because of the fact that the country lies in the so-called 1typhoon alley in the
Eastern section of the globe. These tropical cyclones bring with them a variety of
meteorological consequences from beneficial rainfall to disastrous and destructive winds
that cause considerable damage to property and death to a number of people.

Roman Lucero Kintanar. “Typhoon Moderation Program.” Expert Forum Report: Typhoon
Moderation and Flood Forecasting. System.Philippines: Technology Resource Center, 1976. 1.

2.) “a yearly occurrence in most parts of the Philippines. Floods, especially in Luzon, cause
extensive damage to properties and a heavy toll of human lives.”

Roman Lucero Kintanar. “The Flood Forecasting and Warning System.” Expert Forum Report:
Typhoon Moderation and Flood Forecasting. System.Philippines: Technology Resource Center,
1976. 12.

3.) Perhaps the most important effect of climate change is the impact that it has on river
discharge. Climate change affects total annual stream flow, as well as seasonal dynamics
(e.g. due to changes in snowmelt period). In general, the impacts are relatively simple:
Higher rainfall will result in higher stream flow and reduced rainfall will decrease the
stream flow

Fulco Ludwig, Pavel Kabat, Henk van Schaik, “Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on
Water Resource Management.” Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector. London:
Earthscan Publishing, 2009. 37.

4.) Global warming will result in the acceleration of the water cycle, which will lead to a
higher variability of precipitation. Extreme rainfall events are likely to occur more often
and to become more extreme. As a result, floods are likely to become more frequent and
potentially more severe in most regions around the world.

Fulco Ludwig, Pavel Kabat, Henk van Schaik, “Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on
Water Resource Management.” Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector. London:
Earthscan Publishing, 2009.40.

5.) The fundamental idea is the starting point of every design. The idea is formulated into the

”Basics Architectural Design.” Birkhauser. January 09, 2014. January 09, 2014.

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