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There are 2 parts in a test (for mid term and final test) – INDIVIDUAL TEST

A. English – Vietnamese (4- 5 short paragraphs): 5 marks

Each paragraph consists of 2 sentences (1 short and 1 longer sentence)

B. Vietnamese – English (4-5 short paragraphs): 5 marks

Each paragraph consists of 2 sentences (1 short and 1 longer sentence)

How to do the interpretation test

The CD will be played TWICE

 First, each student will listen to the whole part A/B and take notes.
 Second, each student will listen again separately.
There is a pause in 15 -20 seconds at each paragraph. At that time, each student
will take turn to interpret.

Topics for interpretation:

1. Education
2. Business (Economics, Finance)
3. News (pressing issues)
4. Culture/ Tourism
5. Health/ Disease/ Food
6. Environment

For more practices:


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