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Bautista, Mia Grace M.


What cost considerations would

you take into account when
revising this part of your
compensation plan?

It is often difficult to tell your own story, as you do not

know where to start. It takes a lot of determination for every
individual to take up responsibilities as well as responsible
decisions in life. There comes a time in every individual’s life
when they are confronted with oppositions from all sides, from
relatives, well-wishers and from people who do not want them to
do well in life. It is only when an individual overcomes these
oppositions, and does in life, that which (s)he always wanted to
do, that the individual experiences satisfaction and pleasure in
narrating her/his story.
Stressed, Bullied, Traumatized, Anxiety, Anxiety Attacks,
and Depression. I experienced all of that. I am an individual. I
am my own person. I am a person who makes mistakes, laugh, cry,
hurt, smile and love. I am who I am through my joys, sorrows,
happiness, heartbreaks, and losses. I'm an ordinary girl with
extraordinary dreams. I live life to the fullest. I am simple.
And I believe that simplicity is beauty. I feel happy to narrate
my story, purely because I have always followed my dream. Each
step in my life and each moment that goes by make me up as an
individual person. Every experience in my life good or bad,
happy, or sad makes me stronger. Each passing moment is a new
life experience for me and makes me grow into the person I want
to be. Day by day, hour by hour I take a new step of my life, a
step towards another, into a world full of knowledge. I am a
person who makes many mistakes but have the courtesy to learn
from them and not make them twice. I am a person who laughs so
hard that I have tears running down my cheeks. I am an emotional
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas
Capitol Site, Batangas City 4200 Philippines
Tel. (043) 723-0706 loc. 102
Telefax # (043) 723-0595
Bautista, Mia Grace M.

person who cries whenever I need to and not embarrassed to

express myself that way. I express whatever I’m feeling but
sometimes I choose to hold it inside even I am hurting so much. I
am that person who tries to light up the room with a genuine
smile. I need hugs from my loved ones when the time I’m not okay
and I give them back with no hesitation. Everyone has sadness in
their lives at times and we all deal with it differently. I am a
person who accept things as they happen and instead of dwelling
on the pain it has caused, I deal with it, learn from it, and
move on then try to the best way I can.

I am an extremely shy and quiet person. This often makes

people misunderstand that I cannot speak confidently. But it is
not true as I have immense knowledge on different things.
However, I like to assess the place and situation before
speaking. When someone approaches me, I would like to be humble
and kind enough to answer their questions. Most importantly, I’m
comfortable with people whom I know, so that the information
being conveyed will be interpreted easily. While studying or
participating in any activities, I try to focus so that my
concentration is towards the things that I’m doing. I try to give
my best in all the activities that I participate in. Moreover, I
believe that all the activities require complete focus and
dedication to gain knowledge and develop essential skills. I have
a lot of belief in dreaming big and setting goals for myself.
There are many things that I would like to achieve and do
systematically in life. It includes taking care of my parents,
siblings, and people around me. The most important thing is to
dedicate myself to the service of others. There is nothing more
satisfying than helping others. Therefore, I must educate myself
well on things that I want to do. Apart from this, I am keen on
learning new things each day. While learning, I pay attention to
developing important skills such as critical thinking, problem-
solving, decision making, analytical and communication skills.
Moreover, I’m very punctual and like to do things on time.

I am fortunate enough to see beautiful places and learn new

things from there. Besides this, I like to do crafts activities
at home. This will enhance my creativity and imagination to do
something better. As a writer, a painter, a baker. I have always
tried to keep at least one goal in mind. This hobby is a time for
me to be real and arrange my thoughts, as I assimilate my own
ideas. It's a time when I can be me and appreciate every moment.
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas
Capitol Site, Batangas City 4200 Philippines
Tel. (043) 723-0706 loc. 102
Telefax # (043) 723-0595
Bautista, Mia Grace M.

It is a freedom of expression. It is beauty and truth, a way for

me to understand my thoughts. I do my hobby when I am sad and
when I'm happy because it can be my own thoughts, it's personal
and real. When I do one in my hobby, I'm free of burden or
pressure. I think that this is more than just words on a piece of
paper, it is opinions, emotions, my thoughts and most of all,

All I can say is that I am Mia Grace Bautista, been in worst

and bad experience. But have a courage to fight and put this in
my mind “I’m perseverance, I was born ready that why I am ready
for the worst.”

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas

Capitol Site, Batangas City 4200 Philippines
Tel. (043) 723-0706 loc. 102
Telefax # (043) 723-0595

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