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In the 21st century, after the advent of computers, phones, laptops, smart watches, or any other

device that has access to the Internet and then the world started to change. A major question emerged :
"Are we losing our social skills in real life because of the amount of time we spend online?"

People have a bigger and faster way to find information on the internet or get emergency help
instantly who cannot move. It helps them a lot, as well as people who live in different parts of the world
and thanks to the Internet can see their friends or family.

However, the Internet has its drawbacks. Firstly, there is the possibility of finding a job online, but there
is a high risk of falling into the trap of fraud. In addition, people on the Internet write wrong answers to
tasks, wrong information, or do it on purpose. Secondly, these days, stores are now struggling due to the
increase in online shopping.

In conclusion, I believe that the internet has many advantages, but we should remember to use the
internet less because we lose our social skills in real life due to the amount of time we spend online.

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