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Chapter Focus Question Your Response

Chapter 7
Compare the illustrations on pages The illustrations on page 82-83 have
82-83 to those on 84-85. What is flowers and rats. The rat most likely
different about them? Why do symbolises Bugrat because in Bugrat has
they change? What do they the word rat in it. The flowers symbolise
symbolise? happiness. I think the author put these
pictures because it kind of means finding
Bugrat. The text says: “Bugrat!” she called,
the joy in her voice causing small, invisible
things in the grass to scuttle out of her
way.” The text gives evidence that Magrit
found Bugrat. On page 84-85 it has bones
and skeletons. The author put these
symbols because it must mean that Bugrat
found a skeleton. The first five words of
page 84 are : It was a small skeleton.
What does Magrit’s description of Magrit’s description of the skeleton on
the skeleton on page 84 tell you page 4 tells me that the child had a very
about the life this child had? difficult life. Magrit said that the child
had its legs draw up towards it’s chest and
arms folded up as if hugging a non-existent
teddy bear. When you are in that position
it sometimes shows that you are cold or
afraid. Magrit also described that the
child looked like she was trying to keep
warm in a cold night. That means that the
child might have no blankets. Magrit also
said that the child was undersized for its
age which means that the child is not fed
well and has problems with growing which
tells us that the child is not well taken care
of. The child had bones that are warped
(means bent out of shape) and bent. The
life of the dead skeleton girl must be very
poor and painful.

Chapter 8
What drove Magrit to argue with Master Puppet’s tone tempted her to get
and ultimately destroy Master angry at Master Puppet. Master Puppet
Puppet? also keeps on naming Bugrat with names
that are bad. For instance, he entitled him
a mistake, a disaster, the ruin, undoing and
in the beginning, he called him an awful,
ugly, terrible thing. Magrit “accidentally”
threw the rock at Master Puppet because
she was furious that Master Puppet kept
on talking down to her and acting as her
superior. She is also fed-up with Master
Puppet thinking her as utterly stupid and
small and incapable. When she heard
Master Puppet say “Don’t be so stupid-”
The word stupid lit a fire in her.
“She stopped, her attention drawn The meaning of “space in between” is the
into the gap between the chapel clues between the words the voice said.
and the wall, as if finally listening The meaning she is taking from the ‘‘spaces
to what the voice was saying, not in the between” is that she would need help
with her words but with the from the skeletal girl and that she needs
spaces in between them, where a her to help her rebuild Master Puppet.
different meaning was revealed.”
What meaning is Magrit taking
from the “spaces in between” the
new voice’s words?

Chapter 9
Why does Magrit put so much Magrit puts a lot of effort on rebuilding
effort into rebuilding Master him because he realised what she had done
Puppet when the previous chapter to her friend who took care of her when
she was very angry at him/her and she was in the cemetery. Another reason is
destroyed him/her? because Magrit has a very caring heart.
Magrit is probably very sorry for her
action because she kept on repeating I’m
sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

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