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“부교재 변형문제소”입니다.
저희 카페는 회원제(5개월 - 55,000원 / 12개월-11만원)
로 운영되고 있습니다. 기간 내에 다운로드 횟수와 상관
없이 카페에 게시되는 자료이용에 제한이 없습니다.
대략 1달에 EBS부교재 1권 정도가 업로드 될 것입니다.

입금 후 “등업게시판”에 “입금 확인”이라는 글과 함께

이곳의 유료자료를 유포하거나, 타 사이트에 게시를 하 임금자명을 작성해 주십시오.
게 되면, “유료회원 박탈”과 더불어 “손해배상”이 청구됨
을 알려드립니다. [입금자명을 게시해주시지 않으면 등업까지 시간이 걸
릴 수 있습니다.]
또한, 이곳의 자료를 재수정하여서 배포하여도 “유료회
원 박탈”과 더불어 “손해배상”이 청구됨을 알려드립니 5개월 유료회원 - 55,000원

유료회원이 되시기 전에 반드시 유료자료 목록에서 변 12개월 유료회원 - 110,000원

형문제를 확인 하시고(내용은 못 봐도 목록은 볼 수 있
습니다) 등업 신청을 하시길 권합니다. (간혹, 전 강이
완료되지 않은 부교재가 있을 수 있습니다.) 24개월 유료회원 - 200,000원

평생 유료회원 - 770,000원(이 이용권은 네이

버카페 '부교재 변형 문제소'의 운영이 종료되는 시점까지 별도의 추

가적인 이용료없이, 유료회원 자격이 유지됩니다.)

부교재 변형문제소 농협 352 - 1464 - 8310 - 13
예금주 : 이주석 (부교재변형문제소)

국민은행 006 - 21 - 1108 - 298

예금주 : 이주석

신한은행 110 - 282 – 541644

예금주 : 이주석

SC제일은행 623 - 20 – 224831

예금주 : 이주석
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

18번 20번
Dear Mr. Jones, 3. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것
I am James Arkady, PR Director of KHJ 을 고르시오. 3)

Corporation. We are planning to redesign our Sometimes, you feel the need to avoid something
brand identity and ① launch a new logo to that will lead to success out of discomfort.
celebrate our 10th anniversary. We request you ②
to create a logo that best ③ suits our company’s (A) However, it is key to doing things differently
core vision, ‘To inspire humanity.’ I hope the new in order to find that magical formula for success.
logo will convey our brand message and capture (B) Therefore, overcoming your instinct to avoid
the values of KHJ. Please ④ sending us your logo uncomfortable things at first is essential. Try
design proposal once you ⑤ are done with it. doing new things outside of your comfort zone.
Thank you. Change is always uncomfortable.
Best regards, (C) Maybe you are avoiding extra work because
James Arkady you are tired. You are actively shutting out
success because you want to avoid being
1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 1) uncomfortable.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

One day, Cindy happened to sit next to a famous
artist in a café, and she was thrilled to see him 21번
in person. He was drawing on a used napkin over 4. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장
coffee. She was looking on in awe. After a few 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 4)

moments, the man finished his coffee and was This quote highlights the phenomenon of selective
about to throw away the napkin as he left. Cindy perception.
stopped him. “Can I have that napkin you drew
on?”, she asked. “Sure,” he replied. “Twenty We have a tendency to interpret events
thousand dollars.” She said, with her eyes selectively. ( ① ) If we want things to be “this
wide-open, “What? It took you like two minutes to way” or “that way” we can most certainly select,
draw that.” “No,” he said. “It took me over sixty stack, or arrange evidence in a way that supports
years to draw this.” Being at a loss, she stood such a viewpoint. ( ② ) Selective perception is
still rooted to the ground. based on what seems to us to stand out. ( ③ )
However, what seems to us to be standing out
2. 다음 위의 밑줄 친 부분에서 보여지는 Cindy의 심경 may very well be related to our goals, interests,
으로 가장 적절한 것은? 2) expectations, past experiences, or current
① startled demands of the situation — “with a hammer in
② frightened hand, everything looks like a nail.” ( ④ ) If we
③ delighted want to use a hammer, then the world around us
④ relaxed may begin to look as though it is full of nails!
⑤ fulfilled ( ⑤ )

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 2 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

22번 23번
Rather than attempting to punish students with a Curiosity makes us much more likely to view a
low grade or mark in the hope it will encourage tough problem as an interesting challenge to take
them to give greater effort in the future, teachers on. A stressful meeting with our boss becomes an
can better motivate students by considering their opportunity to learn. A nervous first date
work as (A) complete / incomplete and then becomes an exciting night out with a new person.
requiring additional effort. Teachers at Beachwood A colander becomes a hat. In general, curiosity
Middle School in Beachwood, Ohio, record motivates us to view stressful situations as
students’ grades as A, B, C, or I (Incomplete). challenges rather than threats, to talk about
Students who receive an I grade are required to difficulties more openly, and to try new
do additional work in order to bring their approaches to solving problems. In fact, curiosity
performance up to a(n) (B) sufficient / insufficient is associated with a less defensive reaction to
level. This policy is based on the belief that stress and, as a result, less aggression when we
students perform at a failure level or submit respond to irritation.
failing work in large part because teachers accept
it. The Beachwood teachers reason that if they no 6. 다음 위의 밑줄 친 내용이 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한
것은? 6)
longer accept substandard work, students will not
submit it. And with appropriate support, they ① The stress gets heavier when something new
believe students will continue to work until their comes.
performance is (C) acceptable / unacceptable. ② Don’t miss out on the chances before you.
③ We can encounter the new situation with the
5. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 help of curiosity.
가장 적절한 것은? 5) ④ Proper curiosity makes your life easy.
⑤ Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when it
(A) (B) (C) comes to something new.
① incomplete sufficient unacceptable
② incomplete sufficient acceptable
③ incomplete insufficient acceptable
④ complete insufficient unacceptable
⑤ complete sufficient acceptable

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 3 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

24번 25번
When people think about the development of
cities, rarely ① do they consider the critical role
of vertical transportation. In fact, each day, more
than 7 billion elevator journeys ② are taken in
tall buildings all over the world. Efficient vertical
transportation can expand our ability to build
taller and taller skyscrapers. Antony Wood, a
Professor of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of
Technology, ③ explaining that advances in
elevators over the past 20 years are probably the
greatest advances ④ which we have seen in tall
buildings. For example, elevators in the Jeddah
The above graph shows health spending as a
Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, under
share of GDP for selected OECD countries in 2018.
construction, ⑤ reach a height record of 660m
① On average, OECD countries were estimated to
have spent 8.8 percent of their GDP on health

care. ② Among the given countries above, the US
7. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
had the highest share, with 16.9 percent, followed
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
by Switzerland at 12.2 percent. ③ France spent
more than 11 percent of its GDP, while Turkey
spent less than 5 percent of its GDP on health
care. ④ Belgium’s health spending as a share of
GDP was higher than that of France. ⑤ There
was a 2 percentage point difference in the share
of GDP spent on health care between the UK and

8. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 8)

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 4 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

26번 29번
Lithops are plants that are often (A) calling / There have been occasions in which you have
called ‘living stones’ on account of their unique observed a smile and you could sense it was not
rocklike appearance. They are native to the genuine. The most obvious way of identifying a
deserts of South Africa but commonly sold in genuine smile from an insincere one is that a
garden centers and nurseries. Lithops grow well fake smile . The
in compacted, sandy soil with (B) few / little water eyes don’t really get involved. Take the
and extreme hot temperatures. Lithops are small opportunity to look in the mirror and
plants, rarely getting more than an inch above manufacture a smile using the lower half your
the soil surface and usually with only two leaves. face only. When you do this, judge how happy
The thick leaves (C) resemble / resemble with the your face really looks ― is it genuine? A genuine
cleft in an animal’s foot or just a pair of grayish smile will impact on the muscles and wrinkles
brown stones gathered together. The plants have around the eyes and less noticeably, the skin
no true stem and much of the plant is between the eyebrow and upper eyelid is lowered
underground. Their appearance has the effect of slightly with true enjoyment. The genuine smile
conserving moisture. can impact on the entire face.

9. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 10. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시
9) 오. 10)
가장 적절한 것은?
① is made to get the other person angry or upset
(A) (B) (C) ② is based on the upper part of your face
① calling few resemble with ③ has nothing to do with the emotional state of
② called little resemble with the other person
③ called little resemble ④ has something to do with your posture and
④ calling few resemble position
⑤ called few resemble ⑤ doesn’t usually make the whole face engaged in
the smile

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 5 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

30번 20번
Detailed study over the past two or three decades Sometimes, you feel the need to avoid something
is showing that the complex forms of natural that will lead to success out of discomfort. Maybe
systems are essential to their functioning. The you are (A) developing / escaping extra work
attempt to straighten rivers and give them regular because you are tired. You are actively shutting
cross-sections ① is perhaps the most disastrous out success because you want to avoid being
example of this form-and-function relationship. uncomfortable. (B) Nevertheless / In addition,
The natural river has a very irregular form: it overcoming your instinct to avoid uncomfortable
curves a lot, spills across floodplains, and leaks things at first is essential. Try doing new things
into wetlands, giving ② them an ever-changing outside of your comfort zone. Change is always
and incredibly complex shoreline. This allows the (C) comfortable / uncomfortable, but it is key to
river ③ to accommodate variations in water level doing things differently in order to find that
and speed. Pushing the river into tidy geometry magical formula for success.
destroys functional capacity and ④ results in
disasters like the Mississippi floods of 1927 and 13. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로
1993 and, more recently, the unnatural disaster of 가장 적절한 것은? 13)

Hurricane Katrina. A $50 billion plan to “let the

river loose” in Louisiana recognizes ⑤ that the (A) (B) (C)
controlled Mississippi is washing away twenty-four ① developing In addition comfortable
square miles of that state annually. ② escaping In addition uncomfortable
③ escaping Nevertheless comfortable
11. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 11)
④ escaping Nevertheless uncomfortable
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑤ developing Nevertheless uncomfortable

19번 We have a tendency to interpret events ①
One day, Cindy happened to sit next to a famous selectively. If we want things to be “this way” or
artist in a café, and she was ① thrilled to see “that way” we can most certainly select, stack, or
him in person. He was drawing on a used napkin arrange evidence in a way that supports such a
over coffee. She was looking on in awe. After a viewpoint. Selective perception is based on ②
few moments, the man finished his coffee and was what seems to us to stand out. However, ③ that
about to ② throw away the napkin as he left. seems to us to be standing out may very well be
Cindy stopped him. “Can I have that napkin you related to our goals, interests, expectations, past
③ drew?”, she asked. “Sure,” he replied. “Twenty experiences, or current demands of the situation
thousand dollars.” She said, with her eyes — “with a hammer in hand, everything looks like
wide-open, “What? It took you like two minutes ④ a nail.” This quote highlights the phenomenon of
to draw that.” “No,” he said. “It took me over selective perception. If we want to use a hammer,
sixty years to draw this.” ⑤ Being at a loss, she then the world around us maybe ④ begins to look
stood still rooted to the ground. as though it ⑤ is full of nails!

12. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 12) 14)

14. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 6 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

22번 23번
Rather than attempting to punish students with a Curiosity makes us much more likely to view a
low grade or mark in the hope it will encourage tough problem as an ① interesting challenge to
them to give greater effort in the future, teachers take on. A stressful meeting with our boss
can better motivate students by considering their becomes an opportunity ② to learn. A nervous
work as incomplete and then requiring additional first date becomes an exciting night out with a
effort. (A) , teachers at Beachwood Middle new person. A colander becomes a hat. In
School in Beachwood, Ohio, record students’ general, curiosity motivates us ③ to view stressful
grades as A, B, C, or I (Incomplete). Students who situations as challenges rather than threats, to
receive an I grade are required to do additional talk about difficulties more openly, and to try new
work in order to bring their performance up to approaches to ④ solving problems. In fact,
an acceptable level. This policy is based on the curiosity ⑤ associated with a less defensive
belief that students perform at a failure level or reaction to stress and, as a result, less aggression
submit failing work in large part because teachers when we respond to irritation.
accept it. The Beachwood teachers reason that if
they no longer accept substandard work, students 16. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 16)

will not submit it. (B) , with appropriate ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

support, they believe students will continue to
work until their performance is satisfactory.

15. 윗글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것

은? 15)

(A) (B) 24번

① In contrast Similarly 17. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
② In contrast In addition 것을 고르시오. 17)

③ For example In addition When people think about the development of

④ As a result Nevertheless cities, rarely do they consider the critical role of
⑤ For example Nevertheless vertical transportation.

(A) For example, elevators in the Jeddah Tower in

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, under construction, will
reach a height record of 660m.
(B) Antony Wood, a Professor of Architecture at
the Illinois Institute of Technology, explains that
advances in elevators over the past 20 years are
probably the greatest advances we have seen in
tall buildings.
(C) In fact, each day, more than 7 billion elevator
journeys are taken in tall buildings all over the
world. Efficient vertical transportation can expand
our ability to build taller and taller skyscrapers.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)

④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 7 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

25번 and usually with only two leaves. The thick leaves
resemble the cleft in an animal’s foot or just a
pair of grayish brown stones gathered together.
The plants have no true stem and much of the
plant is underground. Their appearance has the
effect of conserving moisture.

19. 윗글의 Lithops에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것

은? 19)

① 독특한 바위 같은 겉모양을 가지고 있다.

② 식물원과 종묘원에서 흔히 팔린다
③ 수분이 거의 없는 모래 토양에서 잘 자란다.
④ 보통 단 두 개의 잎을 가지고 있다.
The above graph shows health spending as a ⑤ 실제 줄기는 땅속에 묻혀있다.
share of GDP for selected OECD countries in 2018.
① On average, OECD countries were estimated to
have spent 8.8 percent of their GDP on health
care. ② Among the given countries above, the US .
had the highest share, with 16.9 percent, followed
by Switzerland at 12.2 percent. ③ France spent
more than 11 percent of its GDP, while Turkey
spent less than 5 percent of its GDP on health
care. ④ Belgium’s health spending as a share of
20. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
GDP sat between that of France and the UK. ⑤ 20)
것을 고르시오.
There was a 2 percentage point difference in the
There have been occasions in which you have
share of GDP spent on health care between OECD
observed a smile and you could sense it was not
average and Greece.

18. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 18)

(A) The eyes don’t really get involved. Take the
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
opportunity to look in the mirror and
manufacture a smile using the lower half your
face only. When you do this, judge how happy
your face really looks ― is it genuine?
(B) A genuine smile will impact on the muscles
and wrinkles around the eyes and less noticeably,
the skin between the eyebrow and upper eyelid is
lowered slightly with true enjoyment. The genuine
smile can impact on the entire face.
Lithops are plants that are often called ‘living
(C) The most obvious way of identifying a genuine
stones’ on account of their unique rocklike
smile from an insincere one is that a fake smile
appearance. They are native to the deserts of
primarily only affects the lower half of the face,
South Africa but commonly sold in garden centers
mainly with the mouth alone.
and nurseries. Lithops grow well in compacted,
sandy soil with little water and extreme hot
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)
temperatures. Lithops are small plants, rarely
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
getting more than an inch above the soil surface

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 8 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

30번 19번
21. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 One day, Cindy happened to sit next to a famous
적절한 곳을 고르시오. 21) artist in a café, and she was thrilled to see ① her
This allows the river to accommodate variations in person. She was drawing on a used napkin
in water level and speed. over coffee. She was looking on in awe. After a
few moments, the woman finished her coffee and
Detailed study over the past two or three decades was about to throw away the napkin as ② she
is showing that the complex forms of natural left. Cindy stopped her. “Can I have that napkin
systems are essential to their functioning. ( ① ) you drew on?”, she asked. “Sure,” ③ she replied.
The attempt to straighten rivers and give them “Twenty thousand dollars.” She said, with her
regular cross-sections is perhaps the most eyes wide-open, “What? It took you like two
disastrous example of this form-and-function minutes to draw that.” “No,” ④ she said. “It took
relationship. ( ② ) The natural river has a very me over sixty years to draw this.” Being at a loss,
irregular form: it curves a lot, spills across ⑤ she stood still rooted to the ground.
floodplains, and leaks into wetlands, giving it an
ever-changing and incredibly complex shoreline. 22. 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른
( ③ ) Pushing the river into tidy geometry 것은? 22)

destroys functional capacity and results in ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

disasters like the Mississippi floods of 1927 and
1993 and, more recently, the unnatural disaster of
Hurricane Katrina. ( ④ ) A $50 billion plan to “let
the river loose” in Louisiana recognizes that the
controlled Mississippi is washing away twenty-four
square miles of that state annually. ( ⑤ )

Sometimes, you feel the need to avoid something
that will lead to success out of discomfort. Maybe
you are avoiding extra work because you are ①
fatigued. You are actively shutting out success
because you want to avoid ② being
uncomfortable. Therefore, ③ overcome your
instinct to avoid uncomfortable things at first is
essential. Try ④ doing new things outside of your
comfort zone. Change is always uncomfortable,
but it is key to ⑤ doing things differently in
order to find that magical formula for success.

23. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 23)

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 9 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

21번 22번
We have a tendency to . If 25. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
we want things to be “this way” or “that way” we 것을 고르시오. 25)

can most certainly select, stack, or arrange Rather than attempting to punish students with a
evidence in a way that supports such a viewpoint. low grade or mark in the hope it will encourage
Selective perception is based on what seems to us them to give greater effort in the future, teachers
to stand out. However, what seems to us to be can better motivate students by considering their
standing out may very well be related to our work as incomplete and then requiring additional
goals, interests, expectations, past experiences, or effort.
current demands of the situation — “with a
hammer in hand, everything looks like a nail.” (A) And with appropriate support, they believe
This quote highlights the phenomenon of selective students will continue to work until their
perception. If we want to use a hammer, then the performance is satisfactory.
world around us may begin to look as though it (B) Teachers at Beachwood Middle School in
is full of nails! Beachwood, Ohio, record students’ grades as A, B,
C, or I (Incomplete). Students who receive an I
24. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시 grade are required to do additional work in order
오. 24) to bring their performance up to an acceptable
① think of our perception as overwhelming level.
② cooperate with others when we have a hard (C) This policy is based on the belief that students
time perform at a failure level or submit failing work
③ make sense of events on a selective basis in large part because teachers accept it. The
④ perceive selective things as negative and Beachwood teachers reason that if they no longer
unfavorable accept substandard work, students will not submit
⑤ interpret regular habits as current expectations it.

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)

④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

Curiosity makes us much more (A) likely /
unlikely to view a tough problem as an interesting
challenge to take on. A stressful meeting with our
boss becomes an opportunity to learn. A nervous
first date becomes a(n) (B) awful / thrilling night
out with a new person. A colander becomes a
hat. In general, curiosity motivates us to view
stressful situations as challenges rather than
threats, to talk about difficulties more openly, and
to try new approaches to solving problems. In
fact, curiosity is associated with a less defensive
reaction to stress and, as a result, (C) more /
less aggression when we respond to irritation.

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 10 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

26. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 There have been occasions in which you have
가장 적절한 것은? 26) observed a smile and you could sense it was not
genuine. The most obvious way of identifying a
(A) (B) (C) genuine smile from an insincere one is that a
① likely thrilling more fake smile primarily only affects the lower half of
② likely awful more the face, mainly with the mouth alone. The eyes
③ unlikely awful more don’t really get involved. Take the opportunity to
④ likely thrilling less look in the mirror and manufacture a smile using
⑤ unlikely thrilling less the lower half your face only. When you do this,
judge how happy your face really looks ― is it
genuine? A genuine smile will impact on the
muscles and wrinkles around the eyes and less
noticeably, the skin between the eyebrow and
upper eyelid is lowered slightly with true
enjoyment. The genuine smile can impact on the

24번 28. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시

When people think about the development of 오. 28)

cities, rarely do they consider the critical role of ① partial sympathy

vertical transportation. In fact, each day, more ② different bias
than 7 billion elevator journeys are taken in tall ③ whole face
buildings all over the world. Efficient vertical ④ healthy body
transportation can expand our ability to build ⑤ mouth only
taller and taller skyscrapers. Antony Wood, a
Professor of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of
Technology, explains that in elevators
over the past 20 years is probably the greatest
advance we have seen in tall buildings. For
example, elevators in the Jeddah Tower in Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia, under construction, will reach a
height record of 660m.

27. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시

오. 27)

① growth ② retreat ③ decrease

④ isolation ⑤ withdrawal

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 11 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

30번 on?”, she asked. “Sure,” he replied. “Twenty

29. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 thousand dollars.” She said, with her eyes
것을 고르시오. 29) wide-open, “What? It took you like two minutes to
Detailed study over the past two or three decades draw that.” “No,” he said. “It took me over sixty
is showing that the complex forms of natural years to draw this.” Being at a loss, she stood
systems are essential to their functioning. still rooted to the ground.

(A) This allows the river to accommodate 30. 윗글의 Cindy에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은?
variations in water level and speed. Pushing the 30)

river into tidy geometry destroys functional ① 우연히 유명한 화가를 직접 만났다.
capacity and results in disasters like the ② 그 화가에게 경외심을 가졌다.
Mississippi floods of 1927 and 1993 and, more ③ 화가를 멈춰 세웠다.
recently, the unnatural disaster of Hurricane ④ 화가의 말에 놀랐다.
Katrina. ⑤ 그림을 그리는데 2분밖에 안 걸렸다.
(B) A $50 billion plan to “let the river loose” in
Louisiana recognizes that the controlled
Mississippi is washing away twenty-four square
miles of that state annually.
(C) The attempt to straighten rivers and give them
regular cross-sections is perhaps the most
disastrous example of this form-and-function
relationship. The natural river has a very
irregular form: it curves a lot, spills across 21번
floodplains, and leaks into wetlands, giving it an 31. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
ever-changing and incredibly complex shoreline. 것을 고르시오. 31)

We have a tendency to interpret events

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) selectively.
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
(A) However, what seems to us to be standing out
may very well be related to our goals, interests,
expectations, past experiences, or current
demands of the situation — “with a hammer in
hand, everything looks like a nail.”
(B) This quote highlights the phenomenon of
selective perception. If we want to use a hammer,
then the world around us may begin to look as
though it is full of nails!
19번 (C) If we want things to be “this way” or “that
One day, Cindy happened to sit next to a famous way” we can most certainly select, stack, or
artist in a café, and she was thrilled to see him arrange evidence in a way that supports such a
in person. He was drawing on a used napkin over viewpoint. Selective perception is based on what
coffee. She was looking on in awe. After a few seems to us to stand out.
moments, the man finished his coffee and was
about to throw away the napkin as he left. Cindy ① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)
stopped him. “Can I have that napkin you drew ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 12 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

Rather than ① attempting to punish students with 33. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로
a low grade or mark in the hope it will encourage 가장 적절한 것은? 33)

them to give greater effort in the future, teachers

can better motivate students by considering their (A) (B) (C)
work as ② incomplete and then requiring ① entertaining annoying less
additional effort. Teachers at Beachwood Middle ② entertaining comfortable less
School in Beachwood, Ohio, record students’ ③ irritating comfortable less
grades as A, B, C, or I (Incomplete). Students who ④ entertaining annoying more
receive an I grade are required to ③ do ⑤ irritating annoying more
additional work in order to bring their
performance up to an acceptable level. This policy
④ based on the belief that students perform at a
failure level or submit failing work in large part
because teachers accept it. The Beachwood
teachers reason that if they no longer accept
substandard work, students will not submit it. And
with appropriate support, they believe ⑤ that
students will continue to work until their
performance is satisfactory. 29번
34. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장
32. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 32) 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 34)

① ② ③ ④ ⑤ When you do this, judge how happy your face

really looks ― is it genuine?

There have been occasions in which you have

observed a smile and you could sense it was not
genuine. ( ① ) The most obvious way of identifying
a genuine smile from an insincere one is that a
fake smile primarily only affects the lower half of
23번 the face, mainly with the mouth alone. ( ② ) The
Curiosity makes us much more likely to view a eyes don’t really get involved. ( ③ ) Take the
tough problem as an (A) irritating / entertaining opportunity to look in the mirror and
challenge to take on. A stressful meeting with our manufacture a smile using the lower half your
boss becomes an opportunity to learn. A nervous face only. ( ④ ) An authentic smile will impact on
first date becomes an exciting night out with a the muscles and wrinkles around the eyes and
new person. A colander becomes a hat. In less noticeably, the skin between the eyebrow and
general, curiosity motivates us to view (B) upper eyelid is lowered slightly with true
comfortable / annoying situations as challenges enjoyment. ( ⑤ ) The genuine smile can impact on
rather than threats, to talk about difficulties more the entire face.
openly, and to try new approaches to solving
problems. In fact, curiosity isn’t associated with a
(C) more / less defensive reaction to stress and,
as a result, less aggression when we respond to

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 13 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

30번 22번
Detailed study over the past two or three decades Rather than attempting to punish students with a
is showing that the complex forms of natural low grade or mark in the hope it will encourage
systems are essential to their functioning. The them to give greater effort in the future, teachers
attempt to straighten rivers and give them regular can better motivate students by considering their
cross-sections is perhaps the most (A) favorable / work as incomplete and then .
devastating example of this form-and-function Teachers at Beachwood Middle School in
relationship. The natural river has a very Beachwood, Ohio, record students’ grades as A, B,
irregular form: it curves a lot, spills across C, or I (Incomplete). Students who receive an I
floodplains, and leaks into wetlands, giving it an grade are required to do additional work in order
ever-changing and incredibly (B) simplified / to bring their performance up to an acceptable
complicated shoreline. This allows the river to level. This policy is based on the belief that
accommodate variations in water level and speed. students perform at a failure level or submit
Pushing the river into tidy geometry destroys failing work in large part because teachers accept
functional capacity and results in disasters like it. The Beachwood teachers reason that if they no
the Mississippi floods of 1927 and 1993 and, more longer accept substandard work, students will not
recently, the unnatural disaster of Hurricane submit it. And with appropriate support, they
Katrina. A $50 billion plan to “let the river loose” believe students will continue to work until their
in Louisiana (C) identifies / denies that the performance is satisfactory.

controlled Mississippi is washing away twenty-four

square miles of that state annually. 36. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시
오. 36)

35. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 ① correcting the wrong

가장 적절한 것은? 35) ② requesting extra effort

③ forcing them to be relaxed

(A) (B) (C) ④ thinking of the work as unnecessary

① devastating simplified denies ⑤ asking for the expertise in the area

② devastating complicated identifies

③ devastating complicated denies
④ favorable simplified denies
⑤ favorable simplified identifies

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 14 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

18번 [서술형 변형] 20번

Dear Mr. Jones, Sometimes, you feel the need to avoid something
I am James Arkady, PR Director of KHJ that will lead to success out of discomfort. Maybe
Corporation. We are planning to redesign our you are avoiding extra work because you are
brand identity and launch a new logo to celebrate tired. You are actively shutting out success
our 10th anniversary. We request you to create a because you want to avoid being uncomfortable.
logo that best suits our company’s core vision, Therefore, overcoming your instinct to avoid
‘To inspire humanity.’ I hope the new logo will uncomfortable things at first is essential. Try
convey our brand message and capture the values doing new things outside of your comfort zone.
of KHJ. Please send us your logo design proposal Change is always uncomfortable, but it is key to
once you are done with it. Thank you. doing things differently in order to find that
Best regards, magical formula for success.
James Arkady
39. 다음은 위의 지문의 주제문이다. 빈칸에 적절한 한
37. 다음은 위의 글의 목적을 작성한 것이다. 빈칸에 적 단어를 쓰시오. [2점] 39)

절한 어구를 쓰시오. [2점] 37)

As as the change is, you should try

To commission something new, which makes you feel so.

One day, Cindy happened to sit next to a famous
artist in a café, and she was thrilled to see him
in person. He was drawing on a used napkin over
coffee. She was looking on in awe. After a few
moments, the man finished his coffee and was
about to throw away the napkin as he left. Cindy
stopped him. “당신이 그림을 그렸던 냅킨을 가져도 될
까요?”, she asked. “Sure,” he replied. “Twenty
thousand dollars.” She said, with her eyes
wide-open, “What? It took you like two minutes to
draw that.” “No,” he said. “It took me over sixty
years to draw this.” Being at a loss, she stood
still rooted to the ground.

38. 다음 위의 우리말과 일치하도록 빈칸에 어법상 적절

한 두 단어를 쓰시오. [2점] 38)

Can I have that napkin you drew

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 15 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

21번 students perform at a failure level or submit

We have a tendency to interpret events failing work in large part because teachers accept
selectively. If we want things to be “this way” or it. The Beachwood teachers reason that if they no
“that way” we can most certainly select, stack, or longer accept substandard work, students will not
arrange evidence in a way that supports such a submit it. And with appropriate support, they
viewpoint. Selective perception is based on what believe students will [ ].
seems to us to stand out. However, what seems to
us to be standing out may very well be related to 41. 빈칸에 글의 흐름에 따라 주어진 단어들을 어법에
our goals, interests, expectations, past 맞게 모두 배열하여 문장을 완성하시오. (4점) 41)

experiences, or current demands of the situation

— “with a hammer in hand, everything looks like performance / is / continue / their / until / to /
a nail.” This quote highlights the phenomenon of satisfactory / work
. If we want to use a hammer, then
the world around us may begin to look as though
it is full of nails!

40. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어가기에 알맞은 말을 <조건>에

맞게 쓰시오. (3점) 40)

< 조 건 >

⚪ 두 단어로 쓸 것

Curiosity makes us much more likely to view a
tough problem as an interesting challenge to take
on. A stressful meeting with our boss becomes an
opportunity to learn. A nervous first date
becomes an exciting night out with a new person.
A colander becomes a hat. (A) , curiosity
motivates us to view stressful situations as
challenges rather than threats, to talk about
difficulties more openly, and to try new
Rather than attempting to punish students with a
approaches to solving problems. In fact, curiosity
low grade or mark in the hope it will encourage
is associated with a less defensive reaction to
them to give greater effort in the future, teachers
stress and, (B) , less aggression when we
can better motivate students by considering their
respond to irritation.
work as incomplete and then requiring additional
effort. Teachers at Beachwood Middle School in
42. 다음 위의 지문을 읽고, 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 적
Beachwood, Ohio, record students’ grades as A, B,
절한 연결사를 쓰시오. [각 1점] 42)
C, or I (Incomplete). Students who receive an I
grade are required to do additional work in order
(A) (B)
to bring their performance up to an acceptable
level. This policy is based on the belief that

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 16 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

24번 29번
When people think about the development of There have been occasions in which you have
cities, they hardly consider the critical role of observed a smile and you could sense
vertical transportation. In fact, each day, more . The most obvious way of
than 7 billion elevator journeys are taken in tall identifying a genuine smile from an insincere one
buildings all over the world. Efficient vertical is that a fake smile primarily only affects the
transportation can expand our ability to build lower half of the face, mainly with the mouth
taller and taller skyscrapers. Antony Wood, a alone. The eyes don’t really get involved. Take
Professor of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of the opportunity to look in the mirror and
Technology, explains that advances in elevators manufacture a smile using the lower half your
over the past 20 years are probably the greatest face only. When you do this, judge how happy
advances we have seen in tall buildings. For your face really looks ― is it genuine? A genuine
example, elevators in the Jeddah Tower in Jeddah, smile will impact on the muscles and wrinkles
Saudi Arabia, under construction, will reach a around the eyes and less noticeably, the skin
height record of 660m. between the eyebrow and upper eyelid is lowered
slightly with true enjoyment. The genuine smile
43. 다음 밑줄 친 문장을 다음의 <조 건>에 맞도록 영어 can impact on the entire face.

문장을 쓰시오. (5점) 43)

44. 위의 빈칸에 <보기>의 주어진 단어들만을 중복 없이
<조 건>
모두 사용하여 문맥에 맞게 배열하시오. (3점) [단,
① 밑줄 친 부분에서 어구 ‘hardly’를 강조 할 것 44)
필요시 단어의 어형을 변화시킬 것]
② 도치를 사용 할 것
③ 시제, 단수/복수에 주의할 것
< 보 기 >

sincere / was / it
→ .

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 17 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

30번 19번
Detailed study over the past two or three decades One day, Cindy happened to sit next to a famous
is showing that the forms of natural artist in a café, and she was thrilled to see him
systems are essential to their functioning. The in person. He was drawing on a used napkin over
attempt to straighten rivers and give them regular coffee. She was looking on in awe. After a few
cross-sections is perhaps the most disastrous moments, the man finished his coffee and was
example of this form-and-function relationship. about to throw away the napkin as he left. Cindy
The natural river has a very irregular form: it stopped him. “Can I have that napkin you drew
curves a lot, spills across floodplains, and leaks on?”, she asked. “Sure,” he replied. “Twenty
into wetlands, giving it an ever-changing and thousand dollars.” She said, with her eyes
incredibly complex shoreline. This allows the river wide-open, “What? It took you like two minutes to
to accommodate variations in water level and draw that.” “No,” he said. “It took me over sixty
speed. Pushing the river into tidy geometry years to draw this.” While she was at a loss, she
destroys functional capacity and results in stood still rooted to the ground.
disasters like the Mississippi floods of 1927 and
1993 and, more recently, the unnatural disaster of 46. 다음 위의 밑줄 친 어구를 네 단어로 다시 고치시오.
Hurricane Katrina. A $50 billion plan to “let the [2점] 46)

river loose” in Louisiana recognizes that the

controlled Mississippi is washing away twenty-four
square miles of that state annually.

45. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어가기에 알맞은 말을 <조건>에

맞게 쓰시오. (2점) 45)

< 조 건 > Sometimes, you feel the need to avoid something
that will lead to success out of discomfort. Maybe
⚪ 한 단어로 쓸 것
you are avoiding extra work because you are
⚪ 본문에 있는 단어를 찾아서 쓸 것
tired. You are actively shutting out success
because you want to avoid being uncomfortable.
Therefore, overcoming your instinct to avoid

uncomfortable things at first is essential. Try
doing new things outside of your comfort zone.
is always uncomfortable, but it is key to
doing things differently in order to find that
magical formula for success.

47. 다음 위의 빈칸에 들어갈 적절한 한 단어를 쓰시오.

[3점] (단, 주어진 영영풀이를 참고 할 것 / 대·소문
자는 구분하지 않음) 47)

to become different, or to make someone or

something different

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 18 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

21번 24번
We have a tendency to interpret events When people think about the development of
selectively. If we want things to be “this way” or cities, rarely do they consider the critical role of
“that way” we can most certainly select, stack, or vertical transportation. In fact, each day, more
arrange evidence in a way that supports such a than 7 billion elevator journeys are taken in tall
viewpoint. Selective perception is based on what buildings all over the world. Efficient vertical
seems to us to stand out. However, what seems to transportation can expand our ability to build
us to be standing out may very well be related to taller and taller skyscrapers. Antony Wood, a
our goals, interests, expectations, past Professor of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of
experiences, or current demands of the situation Technology, explains that advances in elevators
— “with a hammer in hand, everything looks like over the past 20 years are probably the greatest
a nail.” This quote highlights the phenomenon of advances we have seen in tall buildings. For
selective perception. If you want a hammer to use example, elevators in the Jeddah Tower in Jeddah,
in a certain way, then the world around us may Saudi Arabia, under construction, will reach a
begin to look as though it is full of nails! height record of 660m.

48. 다음 위의 밑줄 친 부분에서 문법적으로 어색한 부 50. 다음은 위의 지문의 주제문이다. 빈칸에 적절한 단어
분을 찾아서 바르게 고치시오. [2점] 48) 를 지문에서 찾아 쓰시오. [단, 필요시 변형 가능 함]
(3점) 50)

Vertical transportation, that is, means the

of the building considered as the

Curiosity makes us much more likely to view a
tough problem as an interesting challenge to take
on. An irritating meeting with our boss becomes
an opportunity to learn. A nervous first date
becomes an exciting night out with a new person.
A colander becomes a hat. In general, curiosity
motivates us to view stressful situations as
challenges rather than threats, to talk about
difficulties more openly, and to try new
approaches to solving problems. In fact, curiosity
is associated with a less defensive reaction to
stress and, as a result, less aggression when we
respond to .

49. 다음 글을 읽고, 빈칸에 적절한 말을 한 단어로 쓰시

오. (단, 본문에 있는 단어를 사용하되, 필요시 어형
을 변화 시킬 것) [4점] 49)

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 19 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

30번 21번
Detailed study over the past two or three decades We have a tendency to interpret events
is showing that the complex forms of natural selectively. If we want things to be “this way” or
systems are essential to their functioning. The “that way” we can most certainly select, stack, or
attempt to straighten rivers and give them regular arrange evidence in a way that supports such a
cross-sections is perhaps the most viewpoint. Selective perception is based on what
example of this form-and-function seems to us to stand out. However, what seems to
relationship. The natural river has a very us to be standing out may very well be related to
irregular form: it curves a lot, spills across our goals, interests, expectations, past
floodplains, and leaks into wetlands, giving it an experiences, or current demands of the situation
ever-changing and incredibly complex shoreline. — “with a hammer in hand, everything looks like
This allows the river to accommodate variations a nail.” This quote highlights the phenomenon of
in water level and speed. Pushing the river into selective perception. If we want to use a hammer,
tidy geometry destroys functional capacity and then the world around us may begin to look as
results in disasters like the Mississippi floods of though it is full of nails!
1927 and 1993 and, more recently, the unnatural
disaster of Hurricane Katrina. A $50 billion plan 52. 다음 위의 밑줄 친 부분의 이유를 우리말로 서술하
to “let the river loose” in Louisiana recognizes 시오. [3점] 52)

that the controlled Mississippi is washing away

twenty-four square miles of that state annually.

51. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어가기에 알맞은 말을 <조건>에

맞게 쓰시오. (3점) 51)

< 조 건 >
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2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 20 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

안녕하세요! 네이버카페

“부교재 변형문제소”입니다.
저희 카페는 회원제(5개월 - 55,000원 / 12개월-11만원)
로 운영되고 있습니다. 기간 내에 다운로드 횟수와 상관
없이 카페에 게시되는 자료이용에 제한이 없습니다.
대략 1달에 EBS부교재 1권 정도가 업로드 될 것입니다.

입금 후 “등업게시판”에 “입금 확인”이라는 글과 함께

이곳의 유료자료를 유포하거나, 타 사이트에 게시를 하 임금자명을 작성해 주십시오.
게 되면, “유료회원 박탈”과 더불어 “손해배상”이 청구됨
을 알려드립니다. [입금자명을 게시해주시지 않으면 등업까지 시간이 걸
릴 수 있습니다.]
또한, 이곳의 자료를 재수정하여서 배포하여도 “유료회
원 박탈”과 더불어 “손해배상”이 청구됨을 알려드립니 5개월 유료회원 - 55,000원

유료회원이 되시기 전에 반드시 유료자료 목록에서 변 12개월 유료회원 - 110,000원

형문제를 확인 하시고(내용은 못 봐도 목록은 볼 수 있
습니다) 등업 신청을 하시길 권합니다. (간혹, 전 강이
완료되지 않은 부교재가 있을 수 있습니다.) 24개월 유료회원 - 200,000원

평생 유료회원 - 770,000원(이 이용권은 네이

버카페 '부교재 변형 문제소'의 운영이 종료되는 시점까지 별도의 추

가적인 이용료없이, 유료회원 자격이 유지됩니다.)

부교재 변형문제소 농협 352 - 1464 - 8310 - 13
예금주 : 이주석 (부교재변형문제소)

국민은행 006 - 21 - 1108 - 298

예금주 : 이주석

신한은행 110 - 282 – 541644

예금주 : 이주석

SC제일은행 623 - 20 – 224831

예금주 : 이주석

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 21 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”


20) 4
1) 4 sending -> send
21) 3
2) 1
22) 5
어휘 *surprised 놀란(=startled, taken aback, astonished,
해설 = 5번=Cindy, 나머지=a famous artist
dazed, stunned) *frightened 겁먹은, 무서워하는
*delighted 즐거운 *relaxed 편안한 *fulfilled 만 23) 3 overcome -> overcoming
족한, 성취한 어휘 *fatigued 피곤한(=tired, exhausted)
3) 5 24) 3 (interpret events selectively)
어휘 *expectation 압도적인 *cooperate with ~와 협력
4) 4
하다 *have a hard time 힘든시간을 보내다
5) 2 (incomplete acceptable satisfactory) *make sense of ~을 이해하다, 인지하다 *on a
어휘 *complete 완전한 *sufficient 충분한 selective basis 선택적으로 *negative 부정적인
*insufficient 불충분한 *unacceptable 받아들일 수 없 *unfavorable 불리한 *regular habit 규칙적인 습관
는 *acceptable 받아들일 수 있는 *current expectation 현재의 기대감

6) 3 25) 3
어휘 *get heavier 더 심해지다 *miss out on ~을 놓치
26) 4 (likely exciting less)
다 *chance 기회 *encounter ~와 마주하다
어휘 *unlikely ~할 것 같지않는 *thrilling 황홀한
*situation 상황 *with the help of curiosity 호기심
*awful 끔찍한
덕분에 *proper 적절한 *be afraid of ~을 두려워
하다 *when it comes to ~에 관해서 말하자면 27) 1 (advance)
어휘 *growth 성장 *retreat 후퇴 *decrease 감소
7) 3 explaining -> explains
*isolation 고립 *withdrawal 철회, 취소
해설 – 5번에서 조동사 ‘will’을 삭제했지만, 동사의 현재형이
미래를 대신 할 수 있다 28) 3 (entire face)
어휘 *partial 부분적인 *sympathy 공감 *bias 편견
8) 4
*whole face 얼굴 전체 *healthy 건강한
9) 3 *body 신체
해설 – few + 복수명사, little + 단수명사 동사
29) 4
‘resemble’는 자동사의 쓰임이 없다. 따라서 ‘resemble
with’는 잘못되었다. 30) 5

10) 5 (primarily only affects the lower half of the face, 31) 4
mainly with the mouth alone)
어휘 *the other person 상대방 *upset 화난 *be 32) 4 based -> is based
based on ~에 근거하다 *upper 위의 *have
nothing to do with ~와 관련이 없다 *emotional 33) 4 (interesting stressful more)comfortable
state 감정의 상태 *have something to do with ~와 참고 – (C)에서 어구 ‘curiosity is associated with a less
관련이 있다 *posture 자세 *position 위치 defensive reaction to stress’ -> ‘curiosity isn’t
*whole face 얼굴 전체 *engaged in ~에 참여된 associated with a more defensive reaction to stress’
로 수정 함.
11) 2 them -> it
34) 4
12) 3 drew -> drew on
35) 2 (disastrous complex recognizes)
13) 4 (avoiding Therefore uncomfortable) 어휘 *devastating 파괴적인 *favorable 유리한
어휘 *develop ~을 발전시키다 *escape ~을 피하다 *simplified 단순화된 *complicated 복잡하게된
*in addition 게다가 *nevertheless 그럼에도 불구하고 *deny ~을 부인하다 *identify ~을 확인하다
*comfortable 편안한
36) 2 (requiring additional effort)
14) 3 that -> what 어휘 *correct ~을 바로잡다 *the wrong 잘못된 것들
*request ~을 요구하다 *force ~하게 강요하다
15) 3 *relaxed 편안한 *unnecessary 불필요한 *ask
for ~을 요청하다 *expertise 전문지식 *area 분
16) 5 associated -> is associated

17) 5
37) the new log of the company
18) 5 어휘 *commission ~을 의뢰하다

19) 5 38) on which

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 22 -
네이버 카페 “부교재 변형 문제소”

39) uncomfortable
해석 – 비록 변화가 불편할지라도 당신은 당신을 그렇게 느끼
게 만드는 새로운 것을 시도해야한다.

40) selective perception

41) continue to work until their performance is


42) (A) In general or In addition or Further 등등

(B) as a result

43) hardly do they consider the critical role of vertical


44) it was insincere

45) complex

46) Being at a loss

47) change

48) use -> be used

참고 - 어구 ‘If we want to use a hammer’ -> ‘If you
want a hammer to be used in a certain way’로 수정

49) irritation

50) elevator height development

51) disastrous

52) 우리가 선택적으로 세상을 바라보기 때문에

2021년 고1 6월 모의고사 - 23 -

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