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School of Computing

SRM IST, Kattankulathur – 603 203

Course Code: 18CSC206J

Course Name: Software Engineering and Project Management
Experiment No 3

Title of Experiment
System, Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of the
Name of the candidate Rupesh Roshan Sahoo

Team Members Rupesh Roshan Sahoo (RA2111028010194), Aditya Kumar

(RA2111028010181), Simran Pradhan (RA2111028010190)

Register Number RA2111028010194

Date of Experiment 15/2/2023

Mark Split Up

S.No Description Maximum Mark Mark Obtained

1 Exercise 5
2 Viva 5
Total 10

Staff Signature with date

To identify the system, functional and non-functional requirements for the project.
Team Members:
S No Register No Name Role
1 RA2111028010181 Rupesh Roshan Sahoo Rep/Member
2 RA2111028010174 Simran Pradhan Member
3 RA2111028010180 Aditya Kumar Member

Project Title: News management Application – NEWS4U

System Requirements:
● Processor: Intel i3 or Ryzen based equivalent
● RAM: minimum 1 GB
● Required Disk Memory: 80GB
● Operating System: Windows 7 or higher, MacOS vCatalina or higher, any
Linux distribution ,
● ,SQL server 2008
● Android studio

Functional Requirements:
1. The system provides answers to the queries of the Users.
2. User must have to enter their query and the system will analyse the key words and
answers the query .
3. The user can ask questions about the different categories like sports, education health,
etc. The system will compute the question with highly optimize algorithm and
respond to the user.
4. User can ask question directly the system and if answer is found then user can like or
dislike the answer. Or if answer is not found then user can get option to search on
Non-Functional Requirements:
1. Server should be able to handle concurrent requests from multiple users.
2. Server should maintain the integrity and consistency of the data stored.
3. Central repository should be stored independently so it can be accessed from both
web and mobile devices.
4. Chatbot must be synchronized with the updated database.
5. Server should provide confidentiality for the data stored to avoid data breaches.

Thus the requirements were identified and accordingly described.

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