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Nama : Haris Risamayana

Jurusan :PGSD
NIM : 857492915

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Kode : PDGK 4304
Tutor : Marjito, S.S., M.Pd, Dr
Pokok Bahasan :
1. Leisure Activities
2. Clothing and Pabric
3. The importance of education

1. Buatlah sebuah cerita singkat tentang kegiatan-kegiatan yang anda lakukan dalam
mengisi waktu luang (Gunakan Adverb of Frequency) (Score 25)
Jawab :
in the morning I usually drink coffee before going to work and
after work I fill my free time with various things like watching videos or playing games,
sometimes i play football on weekends to fill time with friends,but lately I started reading
books to fulfill my college assignments

2. Deskripsikan teman anda, namanya Sultan, dia sedang duduk sambal nonton TV dan dia
memakai baju biru. Sultan seorang guru SD, setiap hari mengajar, kecuali hari minggu, dan
hobinya bernyanyi dan berenang. (score 25)
Jawab : hi, let me introduce my friend, he
is wearing a blue shirt over there, his
name is Sultan, now he is sitting watching
TV. Sultan is an elementary school
teacher, he teaches every day, except
sunday, he really likes swimming and
spends his free time to sing
3. Buatlah karangan singkat/ opini tentang pentingnya pendidikan Sekolah Dasar (Score 25)

Jawab :
In my opinion, school can be a great place if we know how
to take advantage. We can meet people and make friends,
some of them for the rest of our lives. The friends are very
important in a student's life. They are the motivation to go
to school .By going through basic education, students will
be equipped with basic skills related to critical thinking
skills, reading, writing, arithmetic and basic mastery to study science and technology as
well as the ability to communicate which is a minimum ability requirement in life.

4. Buatlah karangan pendek tentang ‘pakaian’ yang berisi tentang:

Nama pakaian, kapan belinya dan dimana, warnanya, harganya. Bajunya tidak kebesaran, pas
dibadan anda. Namun anda kecewa, dan kembali ketoko itu sebab baju anda kualitasnya
tidak baik. (silahkan tambah sendiri) (Score 25)

Jawab : On Sunday my friend invited me to buy a soccer shirt, I came to a famous jersey
shop in Bandung, after I arrived there I saw a red jersey from one of the famous soccer
teams with rayon material which is known for the best quality for sports shirts, on
display we only saw clothes with size M after we tried on it turned out to be too small, so
we asked the employee to bring us size L, and after we tried it on it turned out that the
size fit our bodies so we immediately bought it, after we paid and left our store at the the
logo was a little faded, we were a little disappointed, but we tried to exchange it for new
clothes, and it turned out that the waiter responded well to our complaints and replaced
them with new ones

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