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Paul Laurence Dunbar A black man writing a poem and became famous by selling his books/poem; to
beome a lawyer but have financial problems.

Alice Moore famous writer and pol have disease called tuberculosis died by the age of 30.

Paul was a son of a slave.

FORMALISM- literary theory focused on structure through which a text is examined without regard for
exterior infuences.

POSTSTRUCTURALISM- a school of literary theory that examines underlying structures in a text that may
have varied interpretation.

SOUND DEVICES- help from visual images and highlight the mood and tone of a text.

ALLITERATION- is the repetition of similar sounds at the beginning of closely spaced words.

ASSONANCE- is the repetition of consonants sounds that form internal rhymes in a line.

CONSONANCE- is the repletion of consonants sounds usually at the end of the words.

CACOPHONY- is the use of jarring sounds meant to convey disorder.

EUPHONY- is the use of sound devices meant to create a pleasant experience to the ear.

ONOMATOPOEIA- is the use of the words that micmic the natural sound of what is being described.

REPETITION- is the repetition of the words or phrases to form rhythm or to emphasize the idea.

RHYME- is the repetition of identical sounds in two or more words, most often at the end of lines of a

METAPHOR- compares two diff things

SIMILE- compare two diff things

ONOMATOPOEIA- a word that sounds like what it described.

PERSONIFICATION- assign human qualities to somethings isn’t human.

IDIOM- a group of words that have diff meaning if literal meaning.

ALLITERATION- the repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words.

HYPERBOLE- an exaggerated statement.

ASSONANCE- the repetition of the same vowel sound in a sentence.

OXYMORON- a sentence or phrase with two opposite or contradicting words.

PUN- a humorous use of words that convey another meaning.

METONYMY- is when someone says something but what they are really referring to is a concept about
that thing.

SYNECDOCHE- when someone references a component or part of something when they really intend the
whole thing.

DICHOTOMY- divides a concept, idea, story or plot in two equal and contradictory parts; or between two
opposing groups.

JUXTAPOSITION- is a technique where in two or more ideas, place, ideas, characters and their actions
are placed side by side to develop comparisons and contrasts.

ALLUSION- is a passing references, without explicit identification, to a literary or historical person, place,
or event or to another literary work or passage.

ALLEGORY- is a narrative in which the characters and their actions and sometimes the settings are
contrived by the author to represent a currently significant event or issue.

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