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Voina Character Description:


 I am in fact a wild animal (spin on: I was, in fact, raised by wolves)

 Hunter  I hunt things (very enjoyable, would very much recommend)
o Also provides tasty treats (hunted prey)
o Also hordes things like trophies (claw’s, tusks, …)


 Strength/might makes right  weak are at the mercy of the strong

 respects those who prove themselves in battle
 if others from party prove themselves Voina respects them
 those who aren’t so inclined to combat why? (must be protected if
 Nature: Al things strive to survive and grow stronger (extreme believer in Darwin’s theories)


 Spiders = my children  anybody killing spiders = crime = death = eat their face
 Fellow spiderfolks (clan)  healthy amount of respect and affection (as far as it is possible
amongst spiderfolk)


 Absolutely no concept of what is socially acceptable or how society works  ‘what do you
mean with: eating his face isn’t acceptable?’
 Doesn’t understand technology  why build useless thingies while one can train to improve
 Has the emotional range of a hungry lizardfolk who hasn’t eaten in a week


 Wants to ‘hunt’ strong ‘prey’ to prove herself to be the best/strongest

 works with party because they can offer her interesting new prey

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