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Jeremy John Resty L.

BPA-2C | Governance and Development

Processes and factors pushing for governance and the

capacity for good governance.

The factors or what pushes for governance starts with us

humans. We are a sentient species which are in the level
of instinctively creating any form of government, for
control and order. As a species we need it to coexist with
each other. Without governance we would be un civilized
and wild, like animals. Everything we have is for keeping
everyone in order and peaceful, to have principles for us
to follow.

For good governance, you need capable administrators

and will think of making better ways to deal with daily
issues, as well as the hard important stuff. A working
system that is balance in order and transparency. We
need balance in order to have good governance, you
can’t always be good. All the branches of the
government and its external factors work together to
achieve this so called “good governance”. Because it can
not be done by just the administration alone, but by
everyone in its territory.

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