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Climate Change. How can I help?

With climate change being more noticed nowadays, people are beginning to realize what they’re
up against with. Thus, we begin to create different ideas on how we could help ease the effects,
or how we can prevent it from progressing into a big, big, disaster.

We can start by making a new discipline for ourselves, to only take what we can, to not be
greedy with our resources. We must also start to adapt to clean, renewable, energy. It all starts
with us, changing the way we think to better suit it to this age. To be more open minded about
the consequences of climate change, and the benefits of a healthy earth.

We can help prevent climate change by educating the children. What should and should be done
to prevent the destruction of our nature, along with guiding them. Controlling the use of cell
phones is one of them, because it has become their game now, there is no more outdoor activity,
less appreciation to nature and our environment. By controlling the use of gadgets, we can save
electricity. At least while they are still young, they know how to protect and avoid anything that
can destroy the world that we live in. And even in their innocent thinking they can’t forget that
we must take care of nature for their future life as well.

We can use bicycles instead of motorcycles. We should plant more trees, instead of burning
plastics we should recycle if it is a recyclable, use solar panels to save energy.

Investing in little things like these make a big impact if everyone is doing it. Changing our mind
sets, teaching the young and innocent, using better, clean, alternatives. Not only does it help
ourselves, it also helps make a better impact in how we can help deal with climate change. Each
of us can make a big difference, we must save the planet before we end up destroying it.

Members: Jeremy John Resty


Maria Emely Bongado

Jeffsey Gaviola

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