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Jeremy John Resty L.


Module 8
Activity 1.

Activity 2.
1. It’s a sport that needs preparation like accurate maps and compass to
locate points in landscapes. Usually done as a competitive sport, I saw it on
tv before. They would race to get to the finish line and sometimes involved
kayaking to a near island as the finish line.
2. Cross Country orienteering only allows the same control point or scoring
point to each participants. While Score orienteering allows many scoring
control points for players to get their points depending on where they want
to go to.
3. Definitely for the fun of it, it’s physical and mental challenge. It allows you
to use all your senses and capabilities to reach a destination. Challenges as
adventurous as this is my cup of tea.
4. Running injuries, eye injuries, overuse injuries etc. It’s important to be
aware of these injuries to anticipate what could happen. Having the right
tools and equipment for possible injuries will help a lot.
Jeremy John Resty L. Pimentel

Activity 3.

1. I think that my resting heart rate after every stationary jog from day 1 to
day 7 gradually improved. From 99 to 78 is a big improvement and I think
that’s because our body adapts and improves, with each repetition or
iteration of our exercise. I always notice this when I still go to the gym back
then. The number of lifts I could do increased every week. My endurance
and stamina also was so high, it was the best.

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