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Name : yogi didi yadi

Class : IV D English departement

1. What assesments have you experienced as a students?

2. If you be a teacher in the future, what are some of the ways you have assess your students,
why?explain the steps of the assessment.

Answer :

1. As we learned in our previous meetings. There are two types assessment, there are
traditional assessment, and alternative assessment. Best on my experience, most of my
teachers assessment his students with a traditional assessment, as like multiple-choice
format, focus on the “right” answer and one-shot, standardized requirements. In addition,
there are continuous long term assessment, open-ended, creative answer, etc.
2. If I am as a teacher, the step I will take to assess my student is by combining both methods
of assessment. For example, if there is a student has a deficiency in memory or not like the
other student, to assess the student we can see one student’s activation, presence, and
diligence. Furthermore, knowing the extent of students’ understanding of the material, we
might ask a few questions about the material and add value to the student who could
answer it. And the last thing I will use to pass judgment is to give a test to students, either in
writing, oral or practicing.

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