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Tutorial Activity # 2

Title: What is the Best Way to Define a Group?


1. What did you learn about yourself in relation to the group?

2. What were your observations regarding group dynamics?
3. What were your observations about the dynamics of this group that you will be
working with for the remainder of the semester?

A. Given below are several definitions of the concept group. Rank them from most accurate
(1) to least accurate (7). Write down your rationale for your ranking.

B. Sit with your group members and share your ranking and rationale. Listen to your other
group members’ rankings and rationale, and cooperatively create a new, improved
ranking and rationale.

Rank Definition
2 A group is a number of individuals who join together to achieve a goal.
3 A group is several individuals who are interdependent in some way.
5 A group is a number of individuals who are interacting with one another.
1 A group is a social unit consisting of two or more persons who perceive
themselves as belonging to a group.
6 A group is a collection of individuals who influence each other.
7 A group is a collection of individuals who are trying to satisfy some personal need
through their joint association.
4 A group is a collection of individuals whose interactions are structured by a set of
roles and norms.

From Johnson, D.W. & Johnson, F.P. (2000). Joining together: Group theory and group skills,
7th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, p. 18.


Instruction: Write about your group dynamics learning & experience based on four (4) selected
tutorial activities
1. Describe the activity (include activity goal/objectives)
a) Rank to different definitions of a group based on personals ideals of which
definition encompassed the “true” meaning of group.
b) In groups, discuss the rationale of the personal ranking and re-rank the definition
based on the group ideals of the definition of a group.
c) Evaluate how objective (b) was carried out based on the effectiveness of the
group discussion, group dynamics and how the group came to the final ranking of
the definition.
2. Identify (At least 2) relevant group concepts/theories (that were/could be applied to the
a) A group is a number of individuals who join together to achieve a goal and A
group is a collection of individuals who influence each other. The group goal for
this activity was to rank the definitions of a group as a collective and as we
discussed we may have change some of our person ranking orders to fit the group
as we heard and evaluated new perceptive thus the group member influenced each
3. Why was the experience significant? (provide at least two reasons)

This experience allowed me to see theory come alive in a sense that I was learning about
the characteristics of a group while working in one thus see the characteristics in action.
Additionally, I got to how dynamic groups can be based only of the group discussion held
in this activity because I could see how we interacted and influenced our answers to come
to common ground.

4. What did you learn? (state at least two things) - - Cognitive; Affective; Behavioural

Cognitive – I learnt that hearing other perceptive can change your initial outlook/thoughts
on an issue or idea.
Behavioural – I learnt that although you may not agree wholeheartedly on a point that
sometimes if it is in the best of interest of the group it is best to

5. How will what you learnt help you in the future? (Refer to specific group behaviour)

I will remember that sometimes although I think I am right there are many ways to
analyse the same problem that sometimes it just takes an outside perspective to see things
differently. For instance, when my group members has differently ranked items than I did
I listen to their rationales for why they had ranked the definitions the way that they did
and it help me to re-think my answers in a positive way.

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