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In the beginning of every semester, students are required to complete
online registration. After completing the online registration, students must
complete the study plan card (in Indonesian language: Kartu Rencana
Studi). Simply speaking, you are required to select the subjects that you
want to take within the semester. To do that, follow the following steps.
1. Go to .

2. The website is currently available only in Indonesian language. You can try
using Google translate if needed, by right clicking anywhere on the page, and
click on Translate to English.
3. Find menu Login and choose SSO.

4. Login with your UNS email and the password. Click Masuk.
5. You will be directed to the Dashboard page. Find menu KRS on the left side
of the page.

6. Choose KRS Reguler under menu KRS.

7. Insert your PIN that has been provided.

8. You will be directed to the KRS (study plan card). To start selecting the
subject, click Klik untuk Pilih Mata Kuliah.

9. A page will appear, containing subjects that you can take within the semester.
Choose the subject that you want, then click Selanjutnya.
10. Choose the classroom, A or B, then click Tambahkan KRS.

11. Confirm your selection by clicking Simpan.

12. Click Tutup.

13. Your selected subject will appear here. Repeat the steps of selecting the
subjects until it’s done.

this is the maximum credit

you can take in the semester

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