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Dekocha-6, BHAKTAPUR

A final project on

“Use and Environmental Impacts of Chemical Fertilizers”

A report submitted for the partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of NEB
in Chemistry

Submitted By:

Date of submission: 2079/11/26





This is to certify that the project entitled "Use and Environmental Impact of Chemical

Fertilizers" submitted by Mr. Bikal Bhoyadyo in a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

internal marks of Chemistry in NEB (Nepal Education Board) Class 12 (XII), is a bonafide work

to the best of my/our knowledge and may be placed before the examination Board for their


Panel of Examiners:

Project Supervisor:




We are thankful to all those who have helped us directly or indirectly with this project. Foremost,

we would like to thank the Department of Chemistry of Khwopa Secondary School for the

giving an opportunity to carry out project entitled "Use and Environmental impacts of

Chemical fertilizers". We would like to thank our Chemistry teacher Mr. Ash Bahadur

Ngakhusi for the guidance while developing project and also for organizing the project

schedules. Also we would like to acknowledge their effort that encouraged us to take this project.

We would also like to offer our gratitude towards some of our friends who helped throughout our

project development phase by providing several references regarding different ideas for making

this project report.


This study was conducted to obtain information about chemical fertilizers, its uses and its

harmful impact on environment. This chapter elaborates the methods applied to accomplish the

study objective.

2.1 Source of Data

Secondary data are used in this study. These information and data are collected mainly from

internet and books. First, we researched the application and adverse effect of chemical fertilizers

in environment internet using various sites. We also collected information from various books,

journals and also from some farmers.

Table of Contents

Topic Page no.

Uses and Advantages of Chemical Fertilizers:.........................................................................................5-6
Environmental Impact of Chemical Pollution..............................................................................................7

1. Creating awareness about health hazards. Harmful effects of chemical fertilizers and

pesticides used food products on human health.

2. Disturbing ecosystem is a cause of worry due to slapdash and recklessly use of chemical

fertilizers and pesticides.

3. Promoting organic farming, this helps in healthy living and environment friendly.

Chemical Fertilizers


Chemical fertilizers are chemical-based substance containing one or more nutrients essential for

enhancement of plant growth and soil fertility. Most of the chemical fertilizers used are NPK

fertilizers which are rich in Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), and Potassium (K). Without

fertilizers, the soil would be depleted and therefore plants would be particularly difficult to grow.

Classification of Fertilizers:

Fertilizers are classified on the basis of macronutrients they contain. These are;

1. Nitrogenous fertilizers

2. Phosphorous Fertilizers

3. Potassium Fertilizers

1. Nitrogenous Fertilizers

Nitrogen is considered to be the most important nutrient, and plants absorb more nitrogen

than any other element. Nitrogen fertilizer imparts dark green color to the plants. It is

used for the rapid growth of the plants, increase in protein content and production of

green coloring matter. Harsh fibrous leaves are the symptom of nitrogen deficiency in


Some nitrogenous fertilizers are;

 Urea(NH2-CO-NH2)

 Ammonium Sulphate [(NH4)2SO4]

 Ammonium Nitrate (NH4NO3)

2. Phosphorous Fertilizers

Phosphorous is an element essential to soil fertility Phosphorous fertilizers are also

known as phosphatic fertilizers. They help in the development of root which make the

plant strong and the efficiency of the plants to take nutrients and water also increase. It

stimulates flowering and seed formation.

Some Phosphorous Fertilizers are;

 Calcium Phosphate [Ca3(PO4)2]

 Superphosphate of lime [CaH4(PO4)2]

3. Potassium Fertilizers

This is also knows as potash fertilizers. Potassium helps in the development of healthy

root system, quickens the ripening of cereals and offers resistance against various

diseases, withering and frost. It helps in the formation of chlorophyll and proteins. It also

counteracts the undesirable effect of excess supply of nitrogen from the soil. It is the

fertilizer particularly for wheat, tobacco, citrus, cotton, potatoes, etc.

Some Potassium Fertilizers are;

 Potassium Chloride (KCl)

 Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)

 Potassium Sulphate (K2SO4)

Uses and Advantages of Chemical Fertilizers:

Chemical fertilizers are widely used in agricultural sectors. From a kitchen garden to large area

of agricultural fields these fertilizers are used. Chemical has both positive as well as negative

aspects. On one hand it enhances better yield of crops and on other hand it degrades the soil and

gives rise to chemical pollution.

The advantages of Chemical Fertilizers are discussed below;

 Higher production per hectare

Chemical fertilizers improve the spaces and surfaces available for agricultural work.

Because of their high contribution of macronutrients, these can encourage higher yields

per hectare sowed and help plants develop to their full potential. These fertilizers, in

addition to boosting nutrient absorption from the soil, increase the depth of the roots by

up to one meter. As a result, the plants are considerably stronger and can be fully

supplied by the under-ground waters.

 Soil adjustment

Different soil elements, such as very low or high acidity levels, can be adjusted through

the application or usage of fertilizers that complement other chemicals and procedures,

such as liming. In addition to other natural and environmentally friendly products, the

moderate and conscious use of these products helps agricultural soils preserve their

quality and fertility for fresh production cycles.

 Reaction to critical cultivation scenarios

When severe crop problems arise and plants do not appear to be developing properly

chemical fertilizers can provide an immediate answer answer.NPK fertilizer– which

include nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium–can boost the health and expectations of

plants in advanced stages of cultivation. This practice consists of diluting the fertilizer in

water to propagate it directly in the area of the plant.

 Adaptability to specific needs

These fertilizers have distinct chemical features of various nutrients, substances and

values. As a result, you can find items tailored to your demands on the market, with

precise values and features to fulfill your needs in specific scenarios or stages of the


Environmental Impact of Chemical Pollution

The chemical fertilizer is not only beneficial for us but it has harmful impacts on environment

also as it is root cause for chemical pollution. Chemical pollution is defined as the presence or

increase in our environment of chemical pollutants that are not naturally present there or are

found in amounts higher than their natural background values. Most of the chemicals that pollute

the environment are man-made, resulted from the various activities in which toxic chemicals are

used for various purposes such as chemical fertilizers which we have discussed above. The

disadvantages of chemical fertilizers can be understood by following ways;

 Soil Degradation

Excessive use of fertilizers can significantly raise acidity levels, create macronutrient

saturation, or change it to the point where the soil loses sensitivity and absorbency to various


 Groundwater contamination

Applying excessive doses of fertilizer may leak into the area below the root zone and reach

the groundwater.

  Salt burns

These burns indicate excessive use of chemical fertilizers. Fertilizers with a high saline index

and chemicals like sodium nitrate are the ones that get the most attention or follow-up to

avoid salt burns.


Organic fertilizers are generally better for the ecosystem than synthetic fertilizers. Organic

fertilizers come directly from plant or animal sources, such as compost or manure. They tend to

contain lower concentrations of nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorus) than synthetic

fertilizers. Generally chemical fertilizers and pesticides are effective and convenient in use for

production and disease management of plants but they are potential threat for the health and

environment of soil, plant as well as humans.


For our project we have taken help from following sources:






6. Comprehensive Chemistry Grade XI

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