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Observational Beach Rating

Rating Score

CATEGORIES 1 2 3 4 5 Score

1. Beach material cobbles sand/cobbles coarse sand fine sand

2. Sand softness Hard Medium Soft

3. Water temperature Very Cold Cold Ok Warm

4. Size of breaking waves high/dangerous _ _ _ Low/safe

5. Turbidity Turbid(Cloudy) _ _ _ Clear

6. Water colour Gray _ _ _ Aquablue

7. Floating/suspended human Plentiful _ _ _ None

material (sewage, scum)

8. Algae in water Infested _ _ _ None

9. Smell (eg, seaweed, rotting Bad Odours Ok Fresh Salty Air


10. Wildlife (eg, shore birds) None _ Few _ Plentiful

11. Pests (biting flies, ticks, Lots _ Few _ No Problem


12. Jellyfish on the beach Many _ Some _ None

13. Trash and litter (paper, Common _ Some _ Rare/None

plastics, nets, ropes, planks

14. Views and vistas Local scene _ _ _ Unobstructed


15. Access to the beach Limited _ _ _ Good

16. Well-kept No _ _ _ Yes

grounds/promenades or
natural environment

17. Vegetation (nearby). Trees, None _ _ _ Many

sand dunes

18. Amenities (showers, chairs, None _ _ _ Some


19. Lifeguards None _ _ _ Present

20. Noise (cars, nearby Much _ _ _ Little

highways, trains)

21. Noise from Beach Users Much _ _ _ Little

(eg, crowds, radios)

22. Intensity of beach use Overcrowded _ _ _ Ample Open


23. Public safety (eg, Common _ _ _ Rare

pickpockets, crime, theft)

Total /115

Average Rating
per Category

Students fill this table out to assist in calculating a score for the beach. The higher the score the better the rating.
Class results will be collated on Google Sheets. Comparisons from individual rating versus the class rating. A whole Year level rating could also be calculated.

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