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Drama Characters:

1. King Suwartalaya

2. Queen Purbamanah

3. Nirmala

4. Adviser

5. Jeweler

6. People

7. Narrator


It is said that once upon a time, in West Java there was a kingdom called the Kutatanggeuhan kingdom
which was led by a wise and wise king, namely Prabu Suwartalaya and Ratu Purbamanah. The people
live a quiet, prosperous, serene, peaceful and prosperous life. But unfortunately, King Suwartalaya and
Queen Purbamanah have not been blessed with a child. Thus, this became the anxiety of King
Suwartalaya and Queen Purbamanah. Prabu's advisor suggested that the king and queen raise a child.

Advice: “Your Majesty, I suggest that Your Majesty adopt a child just."

King: " Not! For us biological children are better than adopted children.”

Narrator: Queen often gloomy and crying on the balcony of the palace. The King was also sad to see his
wife crying.

King Suwartalaya: “Never mind dinda. Don't be sad and cry all the time. If you continue to be sad like
this, you will be sad too”.

Ancient Queen: “How can you not be sad, Kanda, we have been married for many years but have not
been blessed with a child”.

Advisor: “Your Majesty, so that Queen Purbamanah is not sad, how about adopting a child, Your
Majesty. Maybe it can reduce the Queen's sadness”.

Ancient Queen: “Not! I don't want to have adopted children!”

King Suwartalaya: “Yes, advisor. I also don't agree with adopting a child. For us, biological children are
better than adopted children”.

Narrator: Queen Purbamanah is still crying

Narrator : After a few months since King Prabu prayed in the forest, the King's request was granted, the
Queen became pregnant.

Queen : “Prabu, I am pregnant…” (with a radiant face- series).

King : "Is that true???" (in a slightly disbelieving tone).

Queen : "Yes, that's right. I've been to the royal physician and the doctor said that I was pregnant."

King : " Is that true?? This will be the most beautiful news in our kingdom.

The Purbamanah Queen: (holding a baby)

King Suwartalaya: “Our daughter is beautiful, Dinda. And it looks very funny.”

Ancient Queen: “Yes Kanda. We should be grateful that we are finally blessed with a child.”

King Suwartalaya: “Yes dinda. Our daughter is also cute, and very adorable! Therefore, how about we
name it Nirvana? How do you agree or not?”

Ancient Queen: “Dinda agrees just agrees kanda.”

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