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Emcee Script for Language Month – Opening Ceremony

No. Content Remarks

1. Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to: Make sure the Principal
- Mr. Mastura Aladdin bin Masro, the Principal of SMK and all the Senior
Benut, Assistants have taken
- Mr. Selamat bin Hj. Mon, Senior Assistant of their seats.
- Madam. Hajjah Azizah binti Omar, Senior Assistant of
Students’ Affair,
- Mr. Zulnuraini bin Rahmat @ Hj. Zohdi, Senior Assistant
of Cocurriculum,
- Mr. Razak bin Nasiran, Senior Assistant of Form 6,
teachers and dear friends.

2. I am _______ from _____, one of your emcees for today.

Dear all,
For your information, today’s assembly will be conducted in
English in conjunction with English week celebration.

3. Ladies and gentlemen,

Let us start our assembly today by imbibing some sense of
gratitude towards the Almighty within us. Therefore, I would
like to invite __________________ to recite the prayer.
Teachers and students of other religions are humbly
requested to pray silently.

4. Thank you to __________________ for leading the prayer.

5. Ladies and gentlemen,

Now, let us stand straight to sing our State and School

6. Next, our assembly will continue with the recitation of Rukun

Negara and Students’ Oath. I would like to invite
_________________ to read out the pledges.

7. Thank you, _________________. Dear teachers, please be


8. “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that Make sure that the
goes to his head.  If you talk to him in his language that performers are ready.
goes to his heart.” These are wisdom words from the very
prominent Nelson Mandela.
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is time to be a part of the celebration. Therefore, without
further urdo, let’s have our friends, _________ to present
1Malaysia skit in their respective mother languages.
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s put our hands together to
welcome them to the stage / rostrum.

9. Thank you, ________ for delightful performance.

10. Next, please welcome our Headmaster, En Mohd Tamizi b

Maruddin to deliver his opening speech and to launch
English Week Celebration.

11. Thanks to our principal for the speech and launching of

English Week celebration.

14. Ladies and gentlemen,

Language month celebration will be on till the
_____December. In association with that, some activities
will be carried out by all the three language panels in our

The English Language Panel will be holding:

 Scrabble competition
 Wonder Word game
 Crossword puzzles
 Treasure hunt
 Story telling
 Public speaking
 Bookmark-creating
 Scrap-booking

Students are very much welcomed and encouraged to

participate in the activities that are mentioned afore. Please
inquire your respective language teachers for further

14. Ladies and gentlemen,

The most awaited time has finally come. Now, let’s have our
principal, Mr. Mastura Aladdin bin Masro once again on the
stage to launch the opening ceremony of language month of
SMK Benut.

15. Ladies and gentlemen, Be alert, there might be

some announcements
Mastering more than one language is a door towards from teachers.
wisdom. There is a French proverb that goes, “A man who
knows two languages is worth two men.” While, linguist
Frank Smith claims that “You can’t see other people’s point
of view when you have only one language.” So, let’s put
some effort to master as many languages as possible.

That’s all for today. Thank you for being a part of the
ceremony. Have a nice day ahead.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let’s end our assembly by singing our National anthem.

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