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Number 1

1. A blot on the landscape = something ugly that spoils the appearance of a place
2. Remain to be seen = chưa chắc chắn
3. Be no match for someone = to be not as good, strong, clever etc as someone you are
competing against
4. Put off = be discouraged by sth
5. Take sides = to support one person or opinion over another
6. Be showered with sth = shower sb with sth = to give someone a lot of presents or praise
7. Be sb’s middle name = to be a quality that is an important part of someone's character
8. Backed out = to decide not to do something that you had said you would do
9. Not have two pennies to rub together = extremely poor
10. Cut no ice with sb = to not cause someone to change their opinion or decision
11. Take sb’s mind off sth = to stop you from worrying or thinking about a problem or pain
(often by forcing you to think about other things)
12. mixed up = involved, esp. with someone or something bad or dangerous
13. In preference to = ưu tiên cái gì hơn (so với)
14. Lose interest = to stop being interested
15. Put sb’s foot in sth = to say something by accident that embarrasses or upsets someone

Practice test
1. The new theatre is extremely ugly and spoils the view of the village. (blot)
The new theatre is................................................and spoils the view of the
2. It is as yet unclear whether a new sports center is being planned or not. (seen)
It .................................. are any plans for a new sports center or not.
3. Patrico is far superior to me in terms of technical knowledge. (match)
When it comes ...................................................... for Patrico.
4. Edgar wasn’t at all discouraged by this bad experience. put
This bad experience ..................................................... least.
5. I remained neutral during their disagreement because I like both of them. (sides)
6. A great many people will congratulate her if she wins. (showered)
7. Eli is a generous person. (name)
8. Several runners have withdrawn from the race because of health problems.

- Trang | 1 -
9. Returning from the battle, they had no money left. (rub)
10. Your empty promises won't have any effect on her. (ice)
11. Ada finds that creating things stops her from thinking about her work. (mind)
12. I tried not to get involved in that situation. (mixed)
13. Emil chose computing rather than marketing for his next course. (preference)
14. Presumably we are still interested in travelling this summer. (lost)
15. You made an embarrassing mistake when you asked him where his wife was. (foot)
Key #1
1. A blot on the landscape
2. Remains to be seen whether there
3. To technical knowledge, I am not match
4. Didn’t put off Edgar in the
5. I didn’t take sides during their disagreement because I like both of them.
6. She will be showered with congratulations if she wins
7. Generosity is Eli’s middle name.
8. Several runners have backed out at the race because of health problems.
9. Returning from the battle, they didn’t have two pennies to rub together.
10. Your empty promises won’t cut any ice with her.
11. Creating things takes mind off her work.
12. I tried to avoid getting mixed up in that situation.
13. Emil opted for computing in preference to marketing for his next course.
14. Take it that we haven’t lost interest in travelling this summer.
15. You put foot in it when you asked him where his wife was.

Number 2
1. Kneel down = get down on one knee = quỳ gối
2. Make no secret of sth = không che dấu
3. On equal/the same terms = có điều kiện như nhau
4. Kick sb in the teeth = disappoint sb
5. To sb’s name = owned by sb
6. Jog sb’s memory = to make someone remember sth
7. Far from = not at all
8. Make a name for = to become famous or respected by a lot of people

- Trang | 2 -
9. Liken sth to sth = to say that someone is similar to or has the same qualities as someone
10. Back sb up = support sb
11. Make use of = tận dụng
12. Out of the ordinary = bất bình thường
13. Be in/within sb’s power = have the authority or ability to do sth
14. There is nothing/little to choose between = những thứ gì đó quá giống nhau
15. In anticipation of = expecting and preparing for something to happen

Practice test
1. The coward kneeled down asking for money. (KNEES)
2. I don't conceal my loathing for war.
I make ………………………………………
3. Women in this factory work under the same conditions as men. Women in this factory work
on ……………………………………………
4. He really disappointed me when breaking the promise to help me out. (TEETH)
5. He died, having nothing of his own. (NAME)
6. Have a look at this picture it may help you to remember something. (JOG)
7. Motorists are jamming the streets as they slow down to see the wall paintings. (HOLD
8. He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer. (NAME)
9. Ada was the only person who didn't enjoy the party. (WITH)
Everyone enjoyed the party ………………...
10. Leo said that the situation at work was like a family argument. (LIKENED)
Leo ………………………………………….
11. I always find chess problems like that quite impossible. (DEFEAT)
Chess problems …………………………….
12. I thought I could count on your support at the meeting. (UP)
I had hoped .............................. at the meeting.
13. Please read the instructions carefully before you use this appliance. (MAKING)
Before ................. please read the instructions carefully.
14. Only the usual, everyday things happen here. (OUT)
Nothing ………………………………………………...
15. He did everything possible to save his marriage. (POWER)
He did …………………………………………………...
16. The two bicycles are virtually the same. (CHOOSE)

- Trang | 3 -
There is …………………………………………………
17. We suspected the weather would get cold so we took warm clothes .(ANTICIPATION)
We took warm clothes ………………………………….

Key #2
1. The coward went down on his knees asking for money
2. I make no secret of my loathing for war
3. The same terms as men
4. He really kicked me in the teeth when breaking the promise to help me out
5. He died with nothing to his name
6. Have a look at this picture. It may help you to jog your memory
7. Motorists cause hold-ups as they slow down to see the wall paintings
8. He is making quite a name for himself as an interviewer
9. With the exception of = ngoại trừ
10. Likened the situation at work to
11. Always defeat me
12. You could back me up
13. Making use of this appliance
14. Out of the ordinary happens
15. Everything in his power to
16. A very little to choose between
17. In anticipation of the weather getting

Number 3
1. Live up to sth = to be as good as something
2. Attract sb = hold attract for/toward
3. Count for = đáng giá
4. At the drop of a hat = đột ngột, không có kế hoạch từ trước và không có lý do rõ ràng
5. Hear through grapevine = hear news from someone who heard the news from someone else
6. Keep in the dark = keep someone uninformed (about something)
7. Swamp with = To burden or overwhelm someone or something with a large amount of
8. Have a good command of = To be knowledgeable about or skilled in a particular area or
9. Pass on = to give something to someone, after someone else gave it to you
10. Wriggle out of = to avoid doing something that you do not want to do
11. From/since time immemorial = for an extremely long time
12. Have a flair for = to be very skilful at something
13. Not escape sb’s attention = không ngừng chú ý
14. Get sb’s head round sth = understand sth
15. Get to grips with = to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation

- Trang | 4 -
16. Hold water = not true

Practise test
1. The sequel to the best seller was a great disappointment to the public. The sequel to the best
seller failed to live …………………………..
2. City life doesn't attract me at all
City life holds ……………………………………………………….
3. Money is of no value on a desert island.
Money counts ……………………………………………………….
4. She agreed without the slightest hesitation. (DROP)
5. I heard a rumor that they are getting married. (GRAPEVINE)
I heard ……………………………………………………………….
6. Workers were told nothing about the plans to sell the company. (DARK)
Workers were ………………………………………………………..
7. Since the advertisement, we've had more applications than we can deal with. (SWAMPED)
8. She speaks Japanese quite well. (COMMAND)
9. There is no way he got the news from me as we haven't spoken. (PASSED)
10. You can't escape your responsibilities so easily, you know. (WRIGGLE)
11. There has been an annual festival here for hundreds of years. (IMMEMORIAL)
12. The new managing director seems to be excellent at fielding awkward questions. (FLAIR)
13. It didn't escabe his attention that she was upset.
He couldn’t …………………………………………………………...
14. I don't seem to be able to understand this instruction booklet. (HEAD)
15. David doesn't seem to be able to get on top of the new computer system. (GRIPS)

Key #3
1. Up to the public’s expectations
2. No attraction for me
3. For nothing on a desert island
4. At the drop of a hat
5. Through grapevine that
6. Kept in the dark

- Trang | 5 -
7. Since the advertisement, we’ve been swamped with applications
8. She has a good command of spoken Japanese
9. It can’t have been me who passed on the news to him as we …
10. You can’t wriggle out of your responsibilities
11. Since time immemorial, there has been an annual festival here
12. The new managing director seems to have a flair for fielding …
13. Help noticing that she …
14. I don’t seem to get my head round this instruction booklet
15. David doesn’t seem to be able to get to grips with the new …

Number 4
1. At/from the outset (of) = from the beginning
2. Give sb a free hand/rein = permission to make your own decisions about how you want to
do something
3. Turn over a new leaf = to start behaving in a better way
4. Look down one’s nose at sb = superior to that person or thing and treat them with
5. (There is) no sign of sb/sth = someone or something is not in a place or cannot be found
6. Disapprove = express one’s disapproval of sth
7. Make heavy weather of sth = to find something hard to do and spend a lot of time on it,
although it is not difficult
8. (Be) the apple of one’s eye = a person or thing that is precious or loved above all else
9. Get sth across = make someone understand or believe something
10. See red = become angry
11. Crave (for) = a strong feeling of wanting something
12. Come to terms with sth = gradually accept a sad situation
13. Leave sth open = Keep undecided or unscheduled
14. Be better off = to have more money than you had in the past or more money than most
other people/ to be in a better situation, if or after something happens
15. Be dead set against sth = to be determined not to do something
16. Be for = to be in favor of something or someone
(Phân biệt với Be in for = be going to experience something unpleasant very soon)

Practise test
1. He began by giving us a summary of his progress so far. (OUTSET)
2. I think we ought to permit him to do whatever he chooses. (HAND)
3. Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. (LEAF)
4. I resent the way that she clearly feels herself to be superior to me. (NOSE)

- Trang | 6 -
5. After two hours the bride had still not arrived. (SIGN)
6. Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme. (DISAPPROVAL)
7. He always makes everything look so difficult. (WEATHER)
8. Being her only niece, Ann is very precious to her. (APPLE)
9. Carol has trouble communicating her ideas to others. (ACROSS)
10. When Mary was pregnant, all she wanted to eat was jelly. (CRAVING)
11. The fact that he will never race again is something he cannot accept. (TERMS)
12. Pandas need a special diet, without it they perish. (PROVIDED)
13. "I haven't made any firm decisions yet", said Laurence. (OPEN)
Laurence said he .............................................. at that time.

14. It would be in your interest to take an earlier train on Sunday. (OFF)

15. Although Rudy really didn't want to play cricket on Sunday, he agreed in the end. (DEAD)
16. Nobody died in the accident. (FATALITIES)
17. I think my elder sister is planning to take over the family home when my mother dies.
18. I support the notion to lift the trade embargo. (FOR)

Key #4
1. At the outset, he gave us a summary of his progress so far.
2. I think we should give him a free hand.
3. You have to turn over a new leaf if you want to succeed.
4. I resent the way that she looks down on her nose at me.
5. After two hours there was still no sign of (the arrival of) the bride.
6. Local residents expressed their disapproval of the new traffic scheme.
7. He always makes heavy weather of everything.
8. Being her only niece, Ann is the apple of her eye.

- Trang | 7 -
9. C has trouble getting her ideas across to others.
10. When M was pregnant, she had a craving for jelly.
11. He can’t come to terms with the fact that he will never race again.
12. Pandas won’t perish provided that they have a special diet.
13. had left his options open
14. You would be better off taking an earlier train on Sunday
15. Despite being dead set against playing cricket on Sunday, R agreed in the end.
16. There were no fatalities in the accident.
17. I think my elder sister has designs on taking over the family home when my mother dies.
Have designs on = to have a secret desire and plan to get (something)
18. I am for lifting the trade embargo.

Number 5
1. There is no question about/that = used for saying that something is definitely true
2. Take sth apart = to separate something into its different parts
3. Lend an ear (to sb/sth) = to listen to someone with sympathy
4. Pass over = to ignore or to not give attention to someone or something
5. Pick sb’s brains = to ask someone who knows a lot about a subject for information or their
6. Round peg in a square hole (Collins) hoặc square peg in a round hole (Cambridge) = a
person whose character makes them unsuitable for the job or other position they are in
7. Let sleeping dogs lie = hãy để quá khứ ngủ yên
8. In line with
- according to or following something such as a rule or principle
- similar to, or at the same level as something
9. Go to sb’s head = If something goes to someone's head, it makes that person think that
they are very important and makes them a less pleasant person
10. Shrink from = to avoid doing something that is unpleasant or difficult
11. Dawn on sb = understand sth after a period of not understanding it
12. Shed (some/any) light on sth = to provide information about something or to make
something easier to understand
13. Rule out (sth) = to stop considering something as a possibility
14. Last resort = lựa chọn cuối cùng
15. Have a big mouth
- Hay khoe khoang
- Không giữ được bí mật
16. Come round to = to change your opinion of something, often influenced by another
person's opinion

Practise test
1. It is quite obvious that we shall have to work faster in order to finish the project on time.

- Trang | 8 -
There is no ………………………………………………………………..
2. If you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't dismantle (tháo dỡ) the clock.
Don’t take …………………………………………………………………
3. Rickey always listens to my complaints about work, which is very kind of him. EAR
Rickey is so ……………………………………………………………….
4. I was bitterly disappointed they didn't give me a part in the school play. PASSED
Very much ………………………………………………………………...
5. Mr. Dio has been a gardener for years so let's consult his opinion first. BRAINS
Let’s ……………………………………………………………………….
6. You may think you are talented but horses will always show you are not. PEG
No matter ………………………………………………………………….
7. I avoided mentioning Justin's demotion as I realized that it might upset him. SLEEPING
Realizing …………………………………………………………………..
8. It is important that we have to get the team to comply with the rules. LINE
It is of ……………………………………………………………………...
9. Winning the prize has made him very conceited (kiêu ngạo). HEAD
10. Morton is never reluctant to make tough decisions as a manager. SHRINKS
11. I think he's at last beginning to agree with me. ROUND
I suppose ………………………………………………………………….
12. When he won the scholarship, Norton began to realize just how lucky he was. DAWN
When he won the scholarship, it began …………………………………...
13. Do you have any idea about how Jack made enough money to buy that new sports car?
Can you ……………………………………………………………………
14. Ann complained about the weather throughout the holiday. ENTIRE Ann
15. He said there was no way the government would send financial aid to the region. RULED
He..........................................................sending financial aid to the reigon.
16. Did you see how concerned Melly was? EXPRESSION
Did you see ………………………………………………………………..
17. I only called the police when I had tried everything else. RESORT
I ……………………………………………………………………………
18. I don't like him because he boasts a lot. MOUTH
I ……………………………………………………………………………

Key #5
1. Question that we shall have to work faster in order to finish the project on time.
2. The clock apart if you don’t know what you’re doing.
3. Kind that he always lends an ear to my complaints about work.

- Trang | 9 -
4. Disappointment when I was passed over for a part in …
5. Pick Mr. Dio’s brains on account of experience as a gardener.
6. How talented you may think you are, but with horses, you are round peg in a square hole.
7. That it might upset him, I let sleeping dogs lie
8. Importance that we have to get the team to in line with the rules.
9. The prize has gone to his head.
10. Morton never shrinks from making tough decisions as a manager.
11. He’s at last coming round to way of thinking.
12. To dawn on Norton that how lucky he was.
13. Shed any light on how Jack made enough money to buy that new sports car.
14. Spent the entire holiday complaining about the weather.
15. Ruled out the possibility of the government
16. The expression of concern on Melly’s face
17. Only called the police as the last resort
18. Don’t like him because he has a big mouth

Number 6
1. Child’s play = an extremely simple task or act
2. Lest + Cl (nguyên thể) = sợ rằng
3. Pick and choose = kén cá chọn canh
4. Out of proportion = không cân xứng
5. Bear witness/testimony to = to show that something is true or exists
6. Take a back seat to = to choose not to be in a position of responsibility in an organization
or activity
7. Pay tribute to = praise someone or something
8. Take pride in = pride oneself on = proud of
9. In the event of = trong trường hợp
10. Within reach of = trong tầm
11. Moon around = to move around or spend time without any clear purpose
12. An outlet for = means of releasing
13. Be subject to = likely to experience or suffer from something
14. Take/go to the trouble to do sth = to make an effort to do something
15. High and low = everywhere

Practise test
1. Finding the right street was easy with a map. PLAY
Finding the right street
2. She wore headphones in order not to disturb anyone. LEST
She wore headphones ……………………………………………………..
3. Sorry, you can't do whatever you want. PICK
Sorry, you are not in ………………………………………………………

- Trang | 10 -
4. This vase seems too big for this small table. PROPORTION
This vase looks ……………………………………………………………
5. A lot of awards on his walls point to his great success. TESTIMONY
The numerous ……………………………………………………………..
6. Concerns about jobs and public safety are more important than other issues. SEAT
Other ………………………………………………………………………
7. Venezuelan mourners queued for hours to attend the funeral of the country's late leader,
Hugo Chavez. TRIBUTE
Venezuelan mourners lined ……………………………………………….
8. A lot of good men have been destroyed by drink.
Many a …………………………………………………………………….
9. Alan prides himself on his punctuality. TAKES
Alan ……………………………………………………………………….
10. Ada doesn't like living so far from the train station. REACH
Ada wishes ………………………………………………………………...
11. You've done nothing but look miserable all day. MOON
12. Digging in the garden allows me to vent my frustrations. OUTLET
13. Smokers are more likely to have heart attack than non-smokers. SUBJECT
Smokers .................................................................................. non-smokers.
14. She didn't even make the effort to find how to spell my name. TROUBLE
She didn't even ……………………………………………………………
15. Why didn't you search everywhere for your wallet? Then you might have found it. LOW
Had ………………………………………………………………………...
16. Should there be no qualified paramedic on the premises, call this number. EVENT
In the ………………………………………………………………………

Key #6
1. Was a child’s play with a
2. Lest she disturb anyone
3. The position to pick and choose
4. Out of proportion on this small table
5. Awards on his walls bear testimony to his great success
6. Issues have to take a back seat to concerns about jobs and public safety
7. Up for hours to attend the funeral of the country’s late leader, H C
8. Good men has been destroyed by drink
9. Takes pride in his punctuality
10. She lived within the reach of the train station
11. You’ve done nothing but moon around all day
12. Digging in the garden give me an outlet for my frustrations

- Trang | 11 -
13. Are more subject to heart attack than
14. Take the trouble to
15. You searched high and low for your wallet
16. In the event of there being no qualified parademic on the premise, call this number.

Number 7
1. (Be) in/ get into the state = to become nervous and upset
2. Fall into disrepute = to no longer be respected or trusted
3. Get sb down = make sb feel unhappy or depressed
4. Let sth be known = to make certain that people are aware of a fact
5. Persist in = to try to do or continue doing something in a determined but often
unreasonable way
6. Have a go at = thử làm gì
7. Cast an eye over = to read or look at
8. Distance oneself from = to become or seem less involved or connected with something
9. Be left to sb’s own devices = to allow (someone) to do what he or she wants or is able to do
without being controlled
10. Keep a straight face = to manage to stop yourself from smiling or laughing
11. Get cold feet = to suddenly become too frightened to do something you had planned to do,
especially something important
12. Time is on sb’s side = say when you do not have to do quickly whatever it is that you want
or have to do
13. Go into liquidation = to stop operating permanently
14. Take to sb/sth = start to like someone or something
15. Pull oneself together = calm down

Practise test
1. Don't ask him about the accident. He's upset already. STATE
2. Everyone's saying the government is about to resign. RUMOURED
3. Since the company's methods were exposed in a newspaper, people have lost their good
opinion of it. DISREPUTE
4. What really depresses me is this continual wet weather. GETS
5. She passed the word around that she was looking for a flat. KNOWN
6. They continued to suggest that I was lying. PERSISTED
7. July soon calmed down and explained her problem. PULLED

- Trang | 12 -
8. Why not try hang-gliding - It's really great! GO
Why not have ……………………………………………………………...
9. I'd be grateful if you could have a look at these figures. CAST
I'd be grateful if you could ………………………………………………...
10. She doesn't want to be involved in the scandal caused by her husband's remarks.
She ......................................................... caused by her husband’s remarks.
11. By leaving Mary alone, I'm sure she'll finish the project on time. DEVICES
If Mary ....................................... , I'm sure she'll finish the project on time.
12. I couldn't help smiling when he told me of his plan. STRAIGHT
I couldn’t.........................................................when he told me of his plan.
13. I'd made up my mind, but at the last moment, I lost my confidence . FEET
I'd made up my mind, but …………………………………………………
14. There is no need for us to hurry. The play doesn't start until 7.30. SIDE
Time ......................................................... The play doesn't start until 7.30.
15. The firm went bankrupt after failing to win the contract. LIQUIDATION
The firm ........................................................................ to win the contract.
16. The new boss was not at all popular with his staff. TAKE
The staff .............................................................................................. at all.

Key #7
1. Don't ask him about the accident. He is in the state already.
2. It’s rumoured that the government is about to resign.
3. Since the company's methods were exposed in a newspaper, it has fallen into disrepute.
4. What really gets me down is this continual wet weather.
5. She let it be known that she was looking for a flat.
6. They persisted in suggesting that I was lying.
7. July soon pulled herself together and explained her problem.
8. A go at hang-gliding…
9. Cast an eye over these figures.
10. Wants to distance herself from the scandal
11. Is left to her own devices
12. Keep a straight face
13. At the last moment I got cold feet
14. Is on our side
15. Went into liquidation after failing
16. Didn’t take to the new boss

Number 8
1. Get one’s act together = to begin to organize things in a more effective way

- Trang | 13 -
2. Be fit for = something that is fit for purpose is good enough to do the job it was designed to
3. Gloat about/over = to be glad that something unfortunate has happened to someone else
4. Behind closed doors = hidden or kept secret from the public
5. Be dying for/to do sth = to be extremely eager to have or do something
6. Be apt to v = to have a tendency to do something
7. Resign to = To accept that one must do, undertake, or endure something
8. Have/keep (one's) wits about (one) = alert and ready to take action in a difficult or new
9. Wrap up in = very interested in sth
10. Cut/pare/trim (down) to the bone = reduce something to a level at which only what is
absolutely necessary is left
11. The onset of sth = the beginning of something (especially something bad)
12. Take offence at = offend by
13. Carry the can (for) = take the blame or responsibility for something that is wrong or has
not succeeded
14. Sweep sth under the carpet/rug = to hide a problem or try to keep it secret instead of
dealing with it

Practice test
1. Emil eventually organised himself and started work.
Emil eventually got ………………………………………………………
2. “That meal would have satisfied a king!” he exclaimed. FIT
3. You shouldn’t take delight in other people’s failures. GLOAT
4. Take care not to spill the milk. MIND
5. The board met secretly to discuss changes in company policy. DOORS
6. I really want an ice-cream. DYING
7. Could someone answer my question? THERE
8. It is usual for young children to ask a lot of question. APT
9. Some people accept that life is full of problems. RESIGNED
10. He makes too many mistakes to suit me. FREQUENT
11. We would always take great care when flying at night. WITS

- Trang | 14 -
We always used …………………………………………………………...
12. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in.
She was so ………………………………………………………………...
13. The price of the house has been reduced as much as possible because the owner needs
some money. BONE
The house ………………………………………………………………….
14. The first sign of the disease is blurred vision. ONSET
The ………………………………………………………………………...
15. Don’t say anything negative about her hair because she’s very sensitive and might be
offended by your remarks. OFFENCE
Don’t say anything negative about her hair because ……………………...
16. Although Mura knew he’d be expelled if he took the blame for his friends, he still wouldn’t
betray them. CAN
17. The politician was ashamed of his careless mistake and tried to pretend it hadn’t happened.

Key #8
1. His act together and started work.
2. “That meal was fit for a king” he exclaimed.
3. You shouldn’t gloat over other people’s failure.
4. Mind you don’t spill the milk.
5. The board met behind closed doors in order to discuss changes in company policy.
6. I’m dying for an ice cream.
7. Is there anybody who could answer my questions.
8. Young children are apt to ask a lot of questions.
9. Some people are resigned to the fact that life is full of problems.
10. His mistakes are too frequent to suit me.
11. To have our wits about us when flying at night
12. Wrapped up in her work that she didn’t notice when I came in
13. Has been cut to the bone because the owner needs some money
14. The onset of the disease is (shown by) blurred vision.
15. She’s very sensitive and might take offence at your remarks
16. Although Mura knew he’d be expelled if he carried the can for his friends, he still wouldn’t
betray them.
17. The politician was ashamed of his careless mistake and tried to sweep it under the carpet.

Number 9

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1. Have a chip on one’s shoulder = to seem angry all the time (because you think you have
been treated unfairly or feel you are not as good as other people)
2. Be/get hot under the collar = embarrassed or angry about something
3. Make/get sb’s hackles rise/up = raise sb’s hackles = to annoy someone
4. Cast one’s mind back (to) = try to recall something
5. Have/take shufti at sth/sb = have a (quick) look (at somebody/something)
6. Beyond/within the realms of possibility = impossible/possible
7. Not have the faintest idea about = have no knowledge or understanding about something
8. Take turns (to) = lần lượt
9. (Be) the height of sth = the pinnacle(đỉnh) of something; the highest level of something
10. Weigh up the pros and cons = cân nhắc ưu nhược điểm
11. Fend for (oneself) = to take care of and provide for oneself without depending on anyone
12. Be in two minds = to be unable to decide about something
13. Mind-boggling = dị thường, không thể tin được

Practice test
1. Phil has felt resentful since his schooldays because he wasn't on the football team.
2. Ronald got upset when he realized that his car had a flat tyre. COLLAR
3. I tried to remember what has happened all those years before. CAST
4. Taxi drivers in this city make me mad! They’re so rude obnoxious. HACKLES
5. No one stands a chance of beating Mansell in this year’s championship. FOREGONE
6. She is so curious about the pocket she catches a glimpse of it. SHUFTI
Overcome …………………………………………………………………
7. Despite having difficulties in early stage, he is unlikely to be reluctant to do the job.
Teeth problems ……………………………………………………………
8. I really don’t know what you’re talking about. FAINTEST
9. The main focus of the plot is the adventures of two teenagers. CENTRED
10. I am constantly amused by Rose’s ridiculous ideas. SOURCE
11. We agreed that each of us would do the washing-up on alternate day. TURNS

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12. You couldn’t do anything more stupid that to give up your job now. HEIGHT
13. I’ve considered the advantages and disadvantages and I’ve decided not to go. WEIGHED
14. When she left home, she had to do everything on her own. FEND
15. I was not sure whether to go with him or not. MINDS
16. The amount that international footballers get paid is quite amazing. MIND-BOGGLING

Key #9
1. Phil has a chip on his shoulders since he ….
2. He was hot under the collar when ….
3. I tried to cast my mind back to what has ….
4. The taxi drivers in this city are so rude and obnoxious that makes my hackles rise.
5. It is a foregone conclusion that M will win …..
6. Overcome with curiousity about the pocket she has shufti at it
7. Problems not withstanding it is beyond the realms of possibility that he will shrink from the
8. I dont have the faintest idea what ...
9. The plot is centred on the adventures of two teenagers.
10. R’s ridiculous ideas are a constant source of amusement to me.
11. We agreed that each of us would take turns to do the washing-up
12. It would be/ was the height of stupidity to give up your work now.
13. I've weighed up the pros and cons and I've ...
14. When she left home, she had to fend for herself.
15. I was in two minds whether to go ...
16. The amount that ..... get paid is mind-boggling

- Trang | 17 -

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