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1. Choose irregular verbs you would like your students to learn.

2. Make cards out of cardboard. 3 cards for every verb. They should be of the size of playing cards.
3. Write irregular verb form on every card twice at both ends of the cards (see the video 2:16).

How to calculate the number of cards

The number of cards depends on the number of students in your group. There should be no fewer
than 6 cards for every student plus extra cards to be put on the desk in a pack (1-2 extra card for
every student). There were 16 students in my group and they played in two groups of 8 people. 16
multiplied by 6 is 96 cards plus, for example, 24 extra cards to be put on the desk. All in all it will be
120 cards. It means that there will be 40 irregular verbs in the game, three cards for every irregular
verb. You can give a pack of 20 irregular verbs to one group, the other 20 verbs to the other group.
When they finish playing they can switch the packs.

Let’s calculate the number of cards for a group of 21 students. 21 multiplied by 6 makes 126 plus,
for example, 24 cards to be put on the desk in a pack. 150 cards all in all. Let’s divide 150 by 3. There
are 50 irregular verbs that you can practice with this group. As for there are too many students in
this group, you can divide them into three smaller groups and give to every group a pack of cards
with 15-18 irregular verbs.

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