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Nowadays, people think that punk means someone who listens to punk music and wears black,

leather and extremely wild clothes. I would oppose these misbeliefs since being a punk means more

than a taste of music or fashion. They represent the idea of saving the planet and want to differ from

the mainstream white American population by fighting against environmental problems.

To begin with, punks refuse consuming industrial products since they have a strong conviction

about it. They consider these kinds of meals as poison. Their movement is focusing on environmental

issues such as the destruction of rainforests. They protest by not attending to fast food restaurants

since these kinds of franchises make excesses. I can totally agree with their idea. They have formed

their own dietary cuisine. They tend to choose ingredients that people has thrown away but still

good. In my opinion, this is one of the best ways of saving the planet from being exhausted. All in all,

rejecting junk food by them is a great start to stop overconsumption and emitting surplusage.

What is more, punk veganism is a new way to protests the excess. They want to spread the

idea that animals have the right too. Many non-vegan punks tried this kind of diet to make the public

realised how crucial are the bachelors with the animals. Additionally, they are not only against the

method, but they also question the healthiness of meats as they are full of preservatives and

unknown chemicals. I think they are right since veganism should not be about fashion. It represents

important issues and with the movement of not eating meat punks can make the public aware of the

fact that animal meats from supermarkets are not as good as for us as we think.

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