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To Barb West

Writing, Tuesday 2pm

Ispánovity Krisztina
words: 409

In my opinion, graffiti should be supported because paintings on the wall can be a real work of art

as they express the artists’ inner thoughts and just like any other renaissance paintings graffities

could attract tourists from all over the world. The state should set up certain places where people

can spraying legally.

Self-expression is a very important isssue in the 21st century. Why should the state forbid graffities

and hide them from the public’s eyes. Everybody has a right to say or express in all kinds of way

themselves. Just a simple example, musicians are not banned from their music they can play

whatever they want whenever they want without any restriction. This is why spraying on the walls

should be legalised and let the artists make something great. They has a right to express themself.

What is more, a well sprayed paintings can attract many tourists to the country. Nowadays people

tend to travell hours to see this new kind of art. John Lennon Wall in Prague is visited by tousands of

people every year. There are some places where graffiti artists are asked to colour the walls making

the city more alive. According to the youngs the city is much more tempting with painting than

without it. Foreigners feel much comfortable walking beside the painted walls and they like to

admire and look at them as a real art.

On the other hand, many people believe that graffities are just taggings and they are not aware of

the fact that graffities can be more than some sketches. Most of the people want to punish the street
paintings as they have to pay for the repainting. Renovating the walls can be really expensive.

According to the Seebrilliance site ’ the estimated cost of the graffiti removal can reach 1 billion

pounds in the UK yearly.’ As noone wants to spend money on someone else’s vandalism they support

the idea of punishing the street paintings.

All in all, state should support the graffities by setting up certain graffiti areas. Today it is important to

be yourself and express yourself in any way you can. People are not restricted anymore and even if

we are not allowed to do illegal things painting graffities should not be consedered as a crime. In

addition, graffities can be tourist attraction and they can bring fame to the country. This is why I

think we should support graffiti artists.

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