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Why should we limit the number of visitors, tourists at major sights?

How can tourism

harm world wonders? What could be the results of less visitors? How would people
react such decisions?
To begin with, with the globalization process, more and more ordinary people can afford to
travel around the globe while acquainting unique cultures as well as broadening their minds,
though, we tend to forget that such amount of visitors (that we experience nowadays) might
lead to the destruction of both natural and artificial wonders.
First of all, I believe implementing a limit on tourists at major sights would certainly have a
beneficial effect on us in the long run. Unfortunately, these travelers might destroy and ruin
the beauty of natural and human-made wonders. To set an example, crazy individuals are
inclined to take home bricks from the Pyramids of Giza, which means an enormous detriment
to the historical site. But by introducing a limit, security would be more focused and could
prevent these nuisances from happening.
Furthermore, by reducing the number of attendants at popular institutions, holiday-makers
would also have a much more pleasant experience. As a consequence of this measure,
museums and art galleries might not be so crowded, which could result in a calmer and more
relaxed visit. Moreover, this may also prevent the possible diseases from spreading too fast.

Who should be blamed for fake news? Why should we hold

social media platforms resonsible for fake news appearing on theirs
sites? What could these media sites do to prevent fake news traveling around and raising

To begin with, with the widespread use of mobile phones, social media has become an
inevitable part of the 21th century human. However, it can easily deceive people, since
nowadays fake news spread faster than ever, and who should be blamed for this issue is
Firstly, social media can be an extremely dangerous tool if it is not used properly. To set an
example, hoaxes, scandals and fake news attract the individuals’ attention in a matter of
second. Nevertheless, that enormous information load is certainly not controlled and censored
adequately. As a consequence, people come across these news while being persuaded about
the real background of the information.
Secondly, it is only the platforms’ responsibility to supervise what is appearing on their sites.
Censorship could sort out fake news, thus contributing to the mental well-being of the readers.
Fake profiles or admins with unknown identities can not be tracked, this is the reason why
social media platforms should be in charge of unreliable information.
Thirdly, unreal news can pose a hazard to readers, due to the fact that they are easily
influenceable. Not only can fake news cause problems in one’s mental, but also physical
health. To display, scaring people with wars or spreading fake news about vaccinations might
result in nuisances, such as stress or anxiety.

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