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Barb West

Tuesday 2p.m.
Ispánovity Krisztina

The first time I have tasted handmade chocolate was really special because it was on my first travel

to abroad with my class. We were heading Vienna and suddenly we stopped at a chocolate factory.

We had no clue about this extra programme, so we were surprised and excited when our teacher

informed us why we had stopped. Maybe this is the main reason why this occasion became so

memorable and become the best experience of eating chocolate. There was a small room full of

chocolates and sweets. We could eat any of them and as many as we could. We had the chance to try

the most particular ones. My favourite was a heart shaped bonbon. This tiny sweetie was packed in a

glowing pink paper. When I unwrapped it, I realized that its color was almost black. I bit the sour dark

chocolate bonbon into two and at first it was not felt as delicious as I hoped but then the sweet filling

modified the bitter taste of the chocolate cover. The filling was like strawberry sauce albeit not juicy

it was rather creamy with small pieces of strawberry. This kind of chocolate gave me the feeling like I

was walking on pink clouds high in the sky. I even felt goosebumps after tasting it. I consider myself

quite lucky as I had the chance to try a specialty like this chocolate. I have not eaten such a mouth-
watering chocolate since then. I am sure I will never forget the taste of the world’s best chocolate

and the special circumstance surrounding this memory.

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