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Project Report on

“CSR activity conducted by Aditya Birla group”

A Project submitted to
University of Mumbai for partial completion of the degree of
Bachelor of Management Studies
Under the faculty of commerce

Adarsh Rajendra Yalgar

Under the guidance of

Prof.Sneha Mhatre
T.Z.A. Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s
Pragati College Of Arts & Commerce Dombivli (E),
Maharashtra- 421 201


This is to certify that Mr. Adarsh Rajendra Yalgarhas worked and duly
completed his Project Work for the degree of Bachelor in Management
Studies under the faculty of Commerce in the subject of MARKETING
“CSR Activity conducted by Aditya Birla group” under my supervision.

I further certify that entire work has been done by the learner under my
guidance and that no part of it has been submitted previously for any Degree
or Diploma of any University.

It is his own work and facts reported by his personal findings and


(Course Co-ordinator) (Principal)


(Internal Guide) (External
I undersigned MR.ADARSH RAJENDRA YALGARhere by, declare that
the work embodied in this project work titled “CSR activity conducted by
Aditya Birla capital” forms of own contribution to the research work
carried out under the guidance of Prof.SNEHA MHATREis a result of own
research work and has not been previously submitted to any other University
for any other Degree/ Diploma to this or any other University.
Wherever reference has been made to previous work of others, it has been
clearly indicated as such and included in the bibliography.
I, here by further declare that all information of this documents has been
obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical

Certified by,


To List who all have helped me in Difficult because they are so numerous and the
depth is so enormous.
I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh
dimensions in the completion of this project.
I take this opportunity to thank the University Of Mumbai for giving me chance
to do this project.
I would like to thank mu principal, DR.Jyoti pohanefor providing the necessary
facilities required for completion of this project.
I take this opportunity to thank our Co-ordinator Sneha Mhatre, for her moral
support and guidance.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide Sneha
Mhatre Whose guidance and care made the project Successful.
I would like to thank my College Library, for having provided various reference
books and magazines related to my project.
Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly
helped me in the completion of the project especially My Parents and Peers who
Supported me throughout my project.

Student signature
Introduction of CSR

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is also often referred to as business

responsibility and an organisation's action on environmental, ethical, social and

economic issues. The terms in the area can seem confusing if you don't know the

jargon - but don't be put off by this.You need to think of CSR simply as ensuring

that your business is aware of its impacts, is accountable for its actions, and that

it undertakes these actions in a responsible manner. Furthermore, a well-run

business is transparent in its decision-making and processes and this makes for

good governance.

CSR can be described as an approach by which a company does the following:

 Recognises that its activities have a wider impact on the society in which it
operates, and that developments in society in turn impact on its ability to pursue
its business sustainably.

 Actively manages the economic, social, environmental and human rights impact
of its activities both locally and across the world, basing these on principles
which reflect both international values and the organisations own values (ethics),
reaping benefits for both its own operations and reputation as well as the
communities in which it operates.

 Seeks to achieve these benefits by working closely with other groups and
organisations – local communities, civil society groups, other


Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept whereby  companies integrate social

and environmental concerns in their business  operations and interactions with their stakeholders.
CSR is generally  understood as being the way through which a company achieves a balance  of
economic, environmental and social imperatives (“Triple-Bottom-Line-  Approach”), while at
the same time addressing the expectations of  shareholders and stakeholders. In this sense it is
important to draw a  distinction between CSR, which can be a strategic business management
concept, and charity, sponsorships or philanthropy. Even though the  latter can also make a
valuable contribution to poverty reduction, will  directly enhance the reputation of a company
and strengthen its brand,  the concept of CSR clearly goes beyond that.

Definion of csr

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication  Making Good
Business Sense  by Lord Holme and Richard Watts, used the following definition:

“Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave

ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the
workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large “





Different types of CSR:

Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives are based on four different categories:

1. Ethical Responsibility

Ethical responsibility is about looking after the welfare of the employees by ensuring fair labor

practices for the employees and also the employees of their suppliers. Ethical labor practices for

suppliers mean that the companies will ensure the use of products that have been certified as

meeting fair trade standards.  Ensuring fair labor practices for employees mean that there will be

no gender, race or religious discrimination among the employees and each employee will be

given equal pay for equal work and better living wage compensation.
2. Philanthropic Responsibility:

Philanthropic responsibility means to serve the humanity. This criterion pays attention to the well

being of the unprivileged or needy people who badly require our support to sustain on this

planet. Companies fulfill their philanthropic responsibility by donating their time, money or

resources to charities and organizations at national or international levels. These donations are

mainly given to a variety of worthy causes including human rights, national disaster relief, and

clean water and education programs in underdeveloped countries.

No other business tycoon has fulfilled the philanthropic responsibilities better than Bill Gates.
Bill Gates has donated billions of dollars to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which

supports numerous causes including education, the eradication of malaria and agricultural

developments etc.

3. Environmental Responsibility:

Currently, we need to focus on two main areas of our environment: limiting pollution and

reducing greenhouse gases. Companies are bound to fulfill their economic responsibility because

awareness of environmental issues are growing largely among the consumers and today they

want businesses  to take necessary steps to save our planet and preserve all the lives in it.

Companies that are concerned about reducing air, land and water pollution have increased their

standing as good corporate citizens while benefiting the society.

An example of environmental responsibility is Tesla Motors that design cars combining style,

acceleration and handling with advanced technologies in order to make it more environmental

friendly and reduce pollutions. Tesla cars do not need gasoline refueling and it can be charged at


4. Economic Responsibility:

Economic responsibility is an interconnected field which focuses to strike a balance between

business, environmental and philanthropic practices. Economic responsibility abides by, the set
standards of ethical and moral regulations. In this context, companies try to find out a solution

which can facilitate their business growth and generate profits by benefitting the community and

our society.

Here economic decisions are made by considering their overall effects on society and businesses

at the same time. Hence, economic responsibility can improve business operations while

engaging in sustainable practices.


 Having well defined code of ethics

 Observe ethical principles in business operations
 Creating work environment that adds values to the quality of life for
 Taking concrete steps to protect and enhance the environment
 Donations to chartable ,social and service organizations
 Contributing to the educations of the down trodden
 Establishing rural development and welfare foundations
 Contributing to the health programmes especially for HIVS/AIDS
 Initiating co-operative banking

Advantages Of Corporate Social Responsibility

As CSR adoption becomes increasingly popular all over the world, it is safe to assume that
businesses have seen great potential in this area. And if you haven’t figured them out yet, here
are some of the major advantages of CSR that you must know:

 Improves the image of a company:

CSR activities reflect positively on the image of a company. When you implement CSR policies
in your company, it increases your goodwill. Consumers will be more willing to avail your
products/services because of the clean image of your company. “A study by Unilever, found that
a third of consumers are choosing to buy brands based on their social or environmental impact.”
( Source:

Xerox, through its Community Involvement Program, had been able to drive out a socially
responsible image of the organization, by directly engaging their employees in community
development programs.

 Helps attract and retain potential employees:

Companies which are involved in serious CSR activities are more recognizable. This makes it
easier for your company to attract potential candidates who seek employment opportunities.
Also, when your company starts earning goodwill through significant CSR activities, the
employees are more likely to continue with the company for a longer tenure.  In a survey by the
nonprofit organisation Net Impact, “53 percent of workers said that “a job where I can make an
impact” was important to their happiness, and 72 percent of students about to enter the
workforce agreed.”( Source: Jeanne Meister Attracts new investors:

A company’s reputation in the market determines whether it will receive new investments or not.
With CSR programs, you can certainly boost your company’s image. And when your company
starts to grab enough eyeballs, it also attracts a number of investors. Be prepared to receive
investment proposals from venture capitalists, other firms, and even from the government.

 A brand new way to advertise your brand:

It is often said that any publicity is good publicity. When your company starts a CSR program, it
automatically gives your company a certain level of publicity. It won’t be wrong to call such
publicity as an advertisement. You just need to make sure your products or services are aligned
with the CSR activities you are involved in.

Looking at these advantages, you may think it is time to start your own CSR program. However,
it is recommended not to jump the guns and take a look at both sides of the coin.

Disadvantages Of Corporate Social Responsibility

Unfortunately, the CSR programs come with their own set of challenges and disadvantages. And
while knowing the advantages of CSR can help you exploit those areas more, acknowledging the
disadvantages may give you the edge that can help save your business in the long run:

 Shift in the profit-making objective:

Economist Milton Friedman often criticized CSR by saying that it shifts the company’s focus of
the profit-making objective. For any financial entity, profit-making is the utmost priority.
However, when you get involved in CSR activities, you need to cut on the profit margin, which
can make your shareholders unhappy.

 Hamper the reputation of your company:

CSR policies mandate the companies to reveal the shortcomings of their own products in case
they are found to violate the CSR program. If your existing customers find out the flaws of your
products, they are most likely to lose faith in your company. So, it can reflect negatively on your
sales figures as well.

 Customers can get impatient:

Everyone will appreciate you for adopting CSR program for the company at the beginning. In
fact, it can gain your company a significant amount of popularity in the market for being
associated with a good cause. However, if the program does not offer instant results, people may
think this is nothing but a PR stunt. That won’t be good for your company’s reputation.
 Sudden rise in the cost of production:

Being involved in CSR activities can often increase the expenditure of your company. As you
may realize, when you are giving back to society, it costs you a significant amount of capital. If
you increase the price of your products to make up for the expenses, the customers will have to
bear the burn. Large businesses can absorb the blow, but small businesses can’t.

From the aforementioned discussion, it is quite clear that CSR programs can be a beneficial
strategy for a business, but it is not without a cost. If your company is practically a large
enterprise, it can be a suitable plan for your business. However, for small and medium
enterprises, it can be a risky move to adopt CSR.

Work culture of aditya birla capital

Where dreams turn into vision and vision turns into reality!

A decade ago, we had a dream. A dream to build an institution that could put customers at the
heart of its existence and help meet all their financial needs. A dream to change the way people
deal with money so that they can live life on their terms.

A decade later, we are Aditya Birla Capital, one of India’s largest financial services
conglomerates. We operate across a wide range of businesses within financial services and are a
provider of Universal Financial Solutions to our customers. Our range of products and services
allow us to offer our customers solutions through their lifetime. Our businesses serve millions of
Indians in more than 400 cities through 1,300+ points of presence, anchored by 12,000+
employees from diverse cultures, cities and backgrounds.

Given the scope and span of our businesses, we offer a wide range of career opportunities to
those fearless enough to dream and pursue that dream with relentless passion. We invite you to
realize your career goals with us while enabling Indians to meet every financial need that matters
to them most – from the cradle to the grave
Welcome to Aditya Birla Capital – Where the dream of one, becomes the dream of all and where
impossible is nothing!

Passion & Purpose

Aditya Birla Capital is committed to helping people protect what they value, invest their hard
earned money and finance their dreams and aspirations. As One common brand, our brand
embodies the spirit of coming together to change the lives of the people we deal with. 

We ask thought-provoking questions. Questions that, through an inherent dilemma between life
and money, provoke people to think deeply and consciously about money and find their own
answers basis their life’s reality and experiences. Questions that, once answered, make people
realize the need for Protecting, Investing or Financing their money.

Our purpose is to simplify money so that our customers can self-realize their dreams and live the
life they truly desire

Company profile

Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited (BSLI) is a joint venture between the
Aditya Birla Group and Sun Life Financial Inc., a leading
international financial services organisation. The local knowledge of the
Aditya Birla Group combined with the expertise of Sun Life Financial Inc.,offers a
formidable value proposition to customers.

Sun Life Financial and its partners today have operations in key markets
worldwide, including India, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Hong
Kong, Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, China and Bermuda. Sun Life
Financial Inc. had assets under management of over US$ 386.82 billion, as on 31
March 2007. Sun Life Financial Inc. is a leading performer in the life insurance
market in Canada.

BSLI in its five successful years of operations has contributed significantly to the
growth and development of the life insurance industry in India. It
pioneered the launch of Unit Linked Life Insurance plans amongst the private
players in India. It was the first player in the industry to sell its
policies through the Bank assurance route and through the internet. It was also the
first private sector player to introduce a pure term plan in the Indian market. This
was supported by sales practices, which brought a degree of transparency that was
entirely new to the market. The process of getting sales illustrations signed by
customers, offering a free look period on all policies, which are now industry
standards were introduced by BSLI.

Being a customer centric company, BSLI has invested heavily in technology to

build world class processing capabilities. BSLI has covered more than one and a
half million lives since inception and its customer base is spread
across 100 cities in India. All this has assisted the company in cementing its place
amongst the leaders in the industry in terms of new business premium income.
Birla Sun Life Insurance (BSLI), one of the leading private life
insurers in India today announced the inimitable achiever, cricketer Kapil
Dev as their corporate brand ambassador. The cricketing supremo will be
endorsing BSLI in all its marketing initiatives. Birla Sun Life Insurance is a
value-driven brand which has a national brand recall of 70 per cent. The objective
of appointing a brand ambassador is to grow its brand recall as it goes national in
its distribution reach and fuel business growth. As a brand ambassador, Kapil Dev
will play a key role in the brand and product marketing and promotional activities.
BSLI has always used an integrated
marketing approach, which will be strengthened further.

Commenting on the association with Kapil Dev, Mr. S. K. Mitra,

Director,Financial Services, Aditya Birla Group and currently incharge of BSLI
expressed, "The Birla Sun Life Insurance business distribution network is national
in nature covering more than 1000 points across the country .We
have made our entry in several tier I and tier II towns. It is therefore very important
for the brand to connect at the grassroot level and create trust. We believe that our
association with Kapil Dev as our brand ambassador will
help us create this connect in a shorter period of time. We therefore now have two
strong connects — our parent brand Birla and our brand ambassador's Kapil Dev

About Birla Sun Life Insurance Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited is a
joint venture between the Aditya Birla Group, one of the largest business houses in
India and Sun Life Financial Inc., a leading international financial services
organisation. The
local knowledge of the Aditya Birla Group combined with the expertise of Sun
Life Financial Inc., offers a formidable protection for your future.

Birla Sun Life Insurance (BSLI), in its five successful years of operations,has
contributed significantly to the growth and development of the life insurance
industry in India. It pioneered the launch of unit linked life insurance plans
amongst the private players in India. It was the first player
in the industry to sell its policies through the banc assurance route and
through the internet. It was the first private sector player to introduce a pure term
plan in the Indian market. This was supported by sales practices which brought a
degree of transparency that was entirely new to the market. The
process of getting sales illustrations signed by customers and offering a free
look period on all policies, which are now industry standards, were introduced by
BSLI. Being a customer-centric company, BSLI has invested
heavily in technology to build world class processing capabilities. BSLI has
covered more than a million lives since inception and its customer base is spread
across more than 1000 towns and cities in India. All this has assistedthe company
in cementing its place amongst the leaders in the industry in
terms of new business premium income. The company's current capital base is
Rs.520 crore.

About the Aditya Birla Group

The Aditya Birla Group has a turnover close to Rs.38,000 crore (as on 31 March
2008) and is one of the largest business houses in India. It enjoys a leadership
position in all the sectors in which it operates. With over 75 business units
spanning the South East Asian belt, Africa, Canada and the UK among others, it is
reckoned as India's first multinational corporation.
The group is anchored by 72,000 employees and has seven lakh shareholders, with
a market capitalization of Rs.53,400 crore.

About Sun Life Financial Inc.

Sun Life Financial Inc. is a leading international financial services organisation
providing a diverse range of wealth accumulation and protection products and
services to individuals and corporate customers.Tracing its roots back to 1865, Sun
Life Financial and its partners today
have operations in key markets worldwide, including Canada, the United States,
the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia,
India, China and Bermuda. As of 31 March 2008, the Sun Life Financial group of
companies had total assets under management of US$ 343 billion.
Sun Life Financial Inc. trades on the Toronto (TSX), New York (NYSE) and
Philippine (PSE) stock exchanges under ticker symbol "SLF".
To be a world class provider of financial security to individuals
andcorporates and to be amongst the top three private sector life
insurance companies in India

To be the first preference of our customers by providing innovative,
need based life insurance and retirement solutions to individuals as well
as corporates. These solutions will be made available by well-trained
professionals through a multi channel distribution network and superior
technology. Our endeavour will be to provide constant value addition to
customers throughout their relationship with us, within the regulatory
framework. We will provide career development opportunities to our
employees and the highest possible returns to our shareholders
Swot analysis

1. Customer centric products and services

2. Superior investment and risk management framework
3. 1 Million Policies sold within 3 and half years.
4. Company has maximum number of MDRT as well as
good number of HNI advisor
5. Training process of the company is very strong.
6. Multiple channel distribution and one of the largest distribution
network in India
7. Implementing six sigma process

1. Company does not penetrate on the rural market at a time.
2. There is no plan for the low income group.
1. Insurance market is very big, where company can expand its
horizon in insurance industry
2. Though good investment and insurance it is easy to top Indian
3. The huge insurance market (77%) is left so company has
opportunity to expand our products
4. To associate with the more numbers of HNI

1. OLD HABITS DIE HARD’: Its still difficult task to win the
confidence of public towards private company.
2. The company is facing major threats from LIC -which is an only
government company.

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