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Example Command Words Activity

Command Words Chosen

1. Define
2. State
3. List
4. Explain
5. Predict
User-Friendly Definitions
1. Define:
If you are asked to ‘define’ something, then the response needs to be a very precise one with a
specific phrase that has been learned by rote to say what the word or term means.
2. State
This is a very brief answer and there is no need to include any explanation of ‘why’ the answer is
3. List
This is a series of very brief answers – often just one word each – to show several things that match
what is being asked for
4. Explain
This requires quite a detailed response to make it absolutely clear what the reasons are for the given
idea. You must make sure to say ‘why’ something happens and not just ‘what’ happens
5. Predict
This indicates that you have been given some information in the question and you need to give an
answer that you have worked out based on that information
The elements in the Periodic Table are arranged in Periods and Groups in such a way that patterns
of properties can be seen across the Periods and down the Groups.
For example, the first ionisation energy of the elements decreases down Group 1
1. Define the term first ionisation energy [3
2. State the general trend in first ionisation energy across a Period [1
3. List three properties that increase down Group 1 [3
4. Explain why first ionisation energy decreases down Group 1 [3
5. The boiling points of some of the elements in Group 17 are given in the table
element boiling point /
fluorine 85
chlorine 238
iodine 457
Predict the boiling point, in K, of bromine [1

1. The enthalpy change when one electron is removed from each atom in a mole of
gaseous atoms to form a mole of gaseous 1+ ions
As the command word is ‘define’ a very precise answer is needed with a specific
wording that has been rote-learned in advance. In this case an equation could also be
used as part of the answer but it must include state symbols so the answer could
instead be:
It is the enthalpy change when X(g)  X+(g) + e–

2. It increases
As the command word is ‘state’ the answer does not need to include any explanation
or further justification

3. Any 3 from:
Atomic/Ionic Radius
The answer is just a list of answers that match what is asked for – a student’s answer
should only list as many items as asked for to avoid the risk of an incorrect answer
cancelling out a correct one

4. Down the group, despite the increase in nuclear charge, the outer electron is further
from the nucleus and more shielded from the nucleus by full inner shells of electrons.
Overall, therefore, the strength of attraction between the nucleus and the outer electron
decreases so less and less energy is needed to remove this electron.
As the command word is ‘explain’ a detailed answer is needed that gives all the
reasons for the trend.

5. 332 K (allow any answer in the range 288 – 407)

Students are not expected to recall the correct answer so a range would be allowed
that indicates students have applied the idea that there will be a trend down the group
based on the data given

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