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Studying the different lessons on Child and Adolescent Learners and learning principles I
encounter difficulties in understanding each principles as a whole, because it deals with the
study of human development patterns especially focusing on their cognitive development
biological,social,moral and emotional development ,adolescent is distinct stage that marks the
transition between childhood and adulthood, it include some big changes to the body and the
way a young person relates to the world.
However childhood state is a time of being child especially the period from infancy to puberty
the time for children to be in school and at play to grow strong and confident with the love and
encouragement of their family and extended community of caring adults it is precious time in
which children should live free from fear, safe from violence and protected from abuse
exploitation because child should be always gain happiness and always allow them to explore
and expose to acquire learning before they are going to adolescence. Adolescence the period of
the following onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult
the period of adolescent is most closely associated with the teenage, though its physical,
psychological, cultural expressions can begin earlier and end later.
Therefore, though I encounter hardship and difficulties on reading and studying this lesson it
becomes more interesting than I ever imagine because I like when it comes to how human
develop different stages of life.
What my greatest reflection is every child is endowed with dignity and worth of human being
from the moment of their conception, every child has the right to wholesome family life that
will provide him/her the love, care, understanding, guidance, counselling, moral material. Every
child has the right to well-rounded development of his personality to the end that may they
become happy, useful and active member society. However social media has big impact with
young adolescence today it brought by modernization world, instead of childhood time they are
spending time with their co playmate but they are watching tv, playing games tiktok and many
other activities which include social medias exposure.
While there will always young adolescence who are engaging on sex, drugs and alcohol and this
what our society are facing for today some areas are forcing to work and stop schooling
because of willingness on performing social media and can even cause early adolescence
pregnancy, today’s generation of young Filipinos seem to behave better compared to their
counterpart a decade ago.
Santa Cruz Mission School Incorporated
College Department
Lem-Ehek Poblacion ,Lake Sebu, South Cotabato

Reflection on Child and Adolescent Learners

& Learning Principles

Submitted by:
Rosebelle D.Ungkal

Submitted To:
Erwin S.Demetillo
EDUC1 Teacher

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