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Use of Intermittent PG in 132KV transmission Line


On 132 KV transmission line once resulted with failure of the L –Pad. So, to manage the
immediate link, the existing jumper cone was used with connection of intermittent PG clamp,
connected with extra jumper piece.

1. On one of the 132Kv transmission line, one of the L-Pad was found with failure being
damaged with snapping of the connected jumper.
2. So, for quick restoration of the supply,
temporary arrangement was done by the
use of PG clamp connection with extra
piece of jumper to the conductor portion.
(Refer Fig A)
3. The power was made through with this line. Extended Jumper
4. But after few days, it was reported by the
line-security wing with minor arcing on the
extended portion of the Jumper part i.e on
the extended non-current carrying part.
5. The reason of such arcing could not be Fig A. Intermittent PG Clamp
ascertained suddenly. with extended jumper
6. However, it was decided for replacement of
the intermittent PG with full conductor span.
7. The full conductor span was replaced and problem was resolved.


Full conductor span was planned for replacement

Action and Analysis

Availing the suitable arrangement, the full conductor span was replaced.
Technical Analysis:
1. The reason of arcing was due to use of extended jumper in parallel to the current
carrying jumper.
2. This extended jumper was not carrying any current, but it was having the voltage of
the system.
3. The current carrying jumper and non-current jumper to remain in parallel always exerts
certain electric field between them.
4. So, because of this Electric field and ionization of surrounding air medium in between
was resulting minor arcing, which was only visible during night.
5. However this is not that dangerous, but allowing for more elongated time may cause
heating on the running conductor and hot-spot.
Result and Recommendation

1. The use of Intermittent PG clamp in the transmission line should be avoided.

2. If required due to any un-avoidable cause, then should not have any extra elongation.


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