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Replacement Extended Link on Station Battery Bank at 220/132/33 KV Grid


At 220/132/33 KV Grid Sub-Station, It was observed problem with the extended wire link on
the Station Battery Bank.

1. The old connected wire link from cell no 56 to 57
of set 1 was broken.
2. Spark was observed at the termination point. But
luckily, it was detected by the operation staff and
action of replacement was planned.

1. Replacement action was planned.
2. Basic concept and SAFETY aspect was


Damaged Terminal Point
1. The battery bank was connected with the charger
and parallel connection to load as per
the float connection mode.
2. So, direct dis-connection and re-
connection by new wire link could be
dangerous to the operator.
3. So, it was planned of availing total
load outage, keeping Grid Sub-
Station under Shut-down.
4. The Grid was availed full shut-down,
the charger was made OFF and
Battery bank was taken out of load
5. Now the old wire link along with New Wire-Link for the Battery Set
terminal at the cell was replaced by
the new one.
6. One of the cell was also replaced by another, by re-conditioning of the cell.

Result and Recommendation:

1. Successful changing of Extended cable was done.
2. It was recommended that for Any Maintenance work on running Battery Bank for the
in-service Grid, the Total Battery system should have to be availed SHUT DOWN.


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